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A dangerous kiss

A dangerous kiss.
Naomi woke up with a twitch. The dream she just dreamt was far away in a second and the feeling of a Monday morning hit her like punch in the face. Slowly she crawled out of bed to turn off the alarm clock in the other end of the room. The house was quite. That meant that her parents had already left for work and that she had the house all to herself. Before she did anything else, she looked at the picture on her bedside table. The picture was of Liam. Liam, the 23-year old hunk, athletic, with an absolute perfect tan, with hazelnut eyes that you just could drown in. She put the picture back on the table as she turned away and headed for the shower.
Naomi is 16 years old and struggling through the last year of high school at Mountain High. Since the first day at high school she tried to keep a low profile, but that was easier said than done because her dad is a well known lawyer and her mother a real shopaholic that everybody knows. But this wasn´t bothering her at all, she had got use to the attention. But this particular Monday morning Liam got her attention. Liam had just started at Mountain High as the PE-teacher and since then he had gotten every girls attention too. And Naomi was no exception. But the thing was that Naomi at times felt that there was a special connection between them. Sometimes when their eyes met, she was almost certain that he blinked at her.
Before Naomi left for school she took a last glance of Liam, she blinked at him in the picture, slammed the door shut and walked off to school for the firsts lesson of the day, PE. Before school Naomi always picked up William and his sister Celine. They had been best friends since preschool and they all spent a lot of time together. They knew everything about each other and of course Naomi had told them about Liam. Celine agreed with her that he was the most god looking man alive! William just sighed and shook his head. They walk through the long entrance hall together but Celine was one year younger then Naomi and William, so she walked off to her classroom. Naomi and William kept walking through the entire school and out the back to the track field. This morning, Liam the hunk, had decided that they were going to run five miles. Naomi sighed and William took his chance of racking down on the wonderful hunk Liam.
As the two friends started their run, discussing the possible implications for Naomi of dating a teacher, Naomi took every chance she got of trying to make eye contact with Liam and immediately she got the feeling he was trying to check her out.
- Did you see that, Naomi wondered as she turned to Wiliam. He really is trying to check me out. I just know it.
- Really? You? I’m sure that he just was admiring my new haircut, William said with a smile.
- Why don’t you take this seriously? Why don’t you get a life of your own and start dating Sarah. You have only been in love with her for like… 18 million years! Look, she is right in front of us. Did I say that out loud? Naomi could hardly keep running she was laughing so hard but William suddenly didn’t seem to be so cheerful anymore.
- So what kind of master plan have you worked out to get the attention of our “beautiful PE-god”? You could hardly impress him with your athletic skills, William said to keep the conversation out of his private life.
- Just watch and learn, my dear! Naomi said and lengthened her stride.
Naomi was accelerating and soon she was running faster than everybody and as she got closer and closer to the place where Liam was timing them she started to prepare herself. When she was sure she had Liam’s attention she tripped. On purpose. The fall was much harder then she thought it would be. Maybe she wasn’t such a bad runner after all to get that kind of speed? As she felt the ground hard against her body and she could feel dirt in her mouth she heard Liam’s voice right beside her. She looked up.
- Are you alright? Does it hurt somewhere? Liam had knelt beside her and was trying to get her to sit up, Naomi was a bit dizzy and she tried to look straight into his eyes but couldn’t really keep her eyes focused.
- I’m alright. I think. Said Naomi quietly.
To Naomi’s disappointment Liam didn’t give her a second look and just nodded in the direction of the tracks. Naomi guessed that meant she should keep running. On quite shaky legs Naomi started to run again, not as fast this time. William turned up beside her with a smile on his lips.
- That didn’t go so well, did it? But guess who’s got a date with Sarah on Friday? Naomi had never seen William so pleased with himself.
- I don’t give up so easily you know… But good luck and I hope you don’t mess up on Friday! She was sure that her comment would make William more nervous than she’d ever been on a date.
Naomi was more worried over the fact that her special connection with Liam seemed to be gone. What had gone wrong? How could she get his attention back? After this horrible class she was sure that Liam would never be anything else but a dream. Without any warning, as she was passing Liam on her way back to the locker room, she said sadly:
- Bye! She could feel everybody staring at her as she kept walking away from Liam
One girl from her class came up to her and asked her why she said bye in that sad manner, but Naomi didn’t feel like talking and just kept walking. Naomi found Celine in the Cafeteria and as they sat down to have their lunch Naomi told her all about what had happened. Celine had already heard what had happened. After lunch Naomi went to her locker to get her books and there she found a note. It said “Meet me in the library at 4 o’clock. L” Naomi’s heart made a jump.
Naomi walked down the corridor and stopped right outside the library door. She stood there waiting pretending to read a sms. The school was almost empty since most of the students had gone home. Just from nowhere she felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a familiar voice.
- Naomi…
It was Liam! She turned around and their eyes met but they didn’t say a word. Liam just took her in his arms and she could feel his breath close to her. And then they kissed. A kiss in silence. A dangerous kiss. A kiss with Liam.
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Mizz_andersson - 29 nov 10 - 20:49
Wow, jättebra! Kommer det en fortsättning? =)

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25 nov 10 - 14:39
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