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Dikter om sorg

you raped me

I loved you with all my heart, my body and my soul.
I loved you so much that I forgot everything else.
You were everything I ever wanted, and more

And then you suddenly changed.
You were beating me, you raped me,
you were cheating on me, and you lied to me in
the face even though you knew I knew the truth

But what hurts me the most was when you betrayed me
You promised me that we would never
end and that you would always be by my side
And then suddenly you left me.

I gave you my heart.
And you promised to take care of it till we die.
But you cut it in to pieces instead.

So now I take my heart back
And I steal back all our memories together.
Adds all your stuff in a bag and
put them out in the rain.
And I put every little thing I got from you
in a little box, and place the box in my closet
in the darkness.

I’ve cried my eyes out for days
And I deleted all the pictures of you
and me together and all the videos.
I also tried to erase you out of my head
I managed to erase everything that had to do with you
But I could not delete you
For you are still out there somewhere
And I can not avoid you forever

And now I’m trying to not face the
month when you loved me
Because I can’t take it anymore

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