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Övriga dikter

"The forbidden feeling"

Put a smile on your face
and no one can see
you true feelings
hide yourself behind a mask
and laugh with the ones around you
dance with them
but never lose grip
on the reality
and never cry in the light
hide your tears in the dark
where no one can see them

Put a smile on your face
and never show the war inside
you must laugh and show them
how happy you are
how perfect everything is
and every night the mask falls off
and every morning the mask puts on
never lose grip my friend
thats the only rule here
to never be angry, uppset or sad
cause that is not what they want to se
only perfection
in this carzy world

The forbidden feeling
is to show the war you fighting against inside
so my friend
put a smile on your face
and Welcome to the family of madness.
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Ferdos-Lina - 14 jul 10 - 02:24- Betyg:
Which poem really nice and good English

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14 jul 10 - 01:02
(Har blivit läst 272 ggr.)
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