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A different point of view - del 68

Kap 68


It felt like something died inside of me when I saw Irma’s tears. I was deeply hurt, but I knew that it is the only thing to do. To make her hate me, that will make her forget me.
“Are you fine Mimi?” I asked her, as I saw her brush the dirt away from her cloths.
“’ts fine, I feel bad for her tho’” Mimi said, she sounded also sad.
I looked down at the dirt cursing myself for erasing the traces Irma left behind, such as the traces of touching her lips.
“I know. But It’s the only way…” I said.
Then I could hear someone stomping her feet towards us. It was Airi, and she looked pissed off. She came towards me and tugged at my collar.
“What the HELL ARE YOU DOING?” She screamed.
“Airi, long time no see!” Mimi said to break the ice.
Airi gave a dirty glance at Mimi, “And you AGREED TO THIS?” Airi screamed at Mimi.
I grabbed Airi’s hands and let them let go of my collar,
“Don’t you blame it on Mimi, it was my plan,” I said.
Airi looked disbelievingly towards me, “I thought you changed Izumi,” She said.
It felt like something more died inside of me, I didn’t want it to end like this…but somehow this was the only way.
“Yu’ dun’ kno’ the reason” Mimi said then, trying to explain.
“There’s a reason to it?” Airi repeated and looked at me for an explanation.
I sighed and closed my eyes, “I’m moving away with Kaname. I don’t want her hurt, I don’t want her to miss me. Better if she hates me” I finally said for the first time saying what was on my mind.
Airi then held a painful face and she sat down next to me, “Ahh so that’s how it is. I’m sorry for assaulting you,” She said.
“Don’t tell Irma though, she’ll stop hating me then.” I said.
Airi then glanced at me, “Do you know how much you’ve hurt her?!” She exclaimed
I closed my eyes trying to forget the face she made when she saw me kissing Mimi. When she probably thought that, I was playing with her, when I really wasn’t.
The bell clock rang and everyone was on there way inside. Airi looked very sad as she went in. I was on my way too. When I was outside of the classroom, I took a deep breath in and then out, trying to calm myself. I then opened the door and found a red head sitting there and had her eyes closed. When I went past her, she looked up at me with watery eyes. I closed my eyes then and sat down.
It’s only four days left until Valentines Day I thought.
Under the whole lesson, I could feel my stomach was in pressure. When the class finally ended, I went to the teacher directly.
“Yes, Shinji?” My mentor said.
“On Valentines Day, I’m thinking of quitting school,” I told him
The mentor looked at me, “Why?” He asked.
“I’m going to work instead,” I told him.
He was thinking for a moment, “Ok, I understand. You’ll get the papers, just wait a moment” He then was about to go out of the classroom, “Oh Irma! Can you stay here a while? I need to talk to you about your Biology test,” He said.
Shit I thought then.
It was only us two in the room and I could feel that I was being stared on.
“I thought I could trust you…” Someone said in a faint, faded voice.
I bit my lip, and forced myself to face her. On top of that, with a composed and cold look. That seemed to sting her, “WHY? Why do you still look as if nothing happened between us?!” She screamed.
That moment, I just wanted to run towards her and embrace her, but I did everything to stop myself. I closed my eyes, “There was nothing between us to. Just simply, someone playing with his… toy”
The last word literally killed me, I felt dead inside even though I was dead from the beginning.
I could then hear someone coming inside of the room, it was the teacher. I went straight to him and grabbed the paper of resignation. When I stepped outside of the room, I saw Airi standing there and she had a pained look.
“Izumi” She said and went forward to hug me.
But I stopped her half way, it felt like I had this urge to cry stuck in my throat, “Don’t. You’ll erase the traces of her then” I told her.
“Izumi…” Airi then said.
“I have to work now” I told her and went my way.


It must have hurt for him, he had to say bad things such as use the word “toy” to someone whom he loved. And It must have hurt for Irma a lot, she whom trusted and smiled with Izumi. When Irma stepped out, she fell to the floor when she saw me and started to cry. I then ran forward to her and hugged her, “Honey…it will be alright” I reassured her.
“IT WON’T!! I just…love him to much” She then said, and cried a lot.
I then had tears in my eyes too, “I understand…” I told her.
“WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” She screamed at me.
“You don’t even have anyone you love!” She screamed.
I was then shocked, I was sad because Kaname would be going along with Izumi. But Irma had a reason why she was sad, she loved Izumi.
But what about me? I thought.
Then I shook my head, and looked down at Irma.
“Should we change to our pajamas and watch movies while eating ice-cream?” I asked.
She nodded and we both started going out of the school. When we were on the front lane of the school, it started to snow.
When we were just about close to the front entrance, we spotted two blond guys.
One of them was beating the crap out of the other, when we came close enough, we could see whom it was.
Izumi was beating Simon.
“DON’T YOU DARE TALK TO HER AS IF SHE WAS A TOY TO PLAY WITH!” Izumi screamed towards Simon while punching him.
I had never in my life seen Izumi so mad and it made me quite afraid of him.
“I didn’t mean to assault her!” I could hear Simon talk back.
They were talking about Irma once you understood the “her, her, and her”.
“Don’t you dare talk to Irma ever again. She is not a toy, she is a human being. She is someone important, if you ever hurt her, I won’t have a second thought of ripping you apart” Izumi threatened him.
When Izumi looked behind, he spotted us. He then closed his eyes and started walking away.
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blackgirl - 25 maj 10 - 22:55- Betyg:
Kan inte kaname och izumi stanna? Det gör ju så ont för flickorna och jag vill bara krama dom
Kan jag få spöa skiten ur kaname och izumi? Dom ska ju ändå försvinna... Snälla?

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25 maj 10 - 21:46
(Har blivit läst 78 ggr.)
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