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A different point of view - del 66

Kap 66


I could spot Irma blushing again. It was fun seeing her redden all the time, however, that may be the last time.
I could feel my stomach sink. I really do like her I thought
“You seem sad…?” Irma said, she had her hand on my hair, and she was sitting on my knees.
“Do you find me attractive?” I started; she seemed very confused by the sudden action.
Then she smiled, “Yes I do!” She said, and kissed me on the cheek.
I closed my eyes, trying to resist the temptation of touching her. Instead, I frowned and she stopped to look at me.
“What is it?” She asked.
I pulled her of my knees and stood up, “I’m warning you, don’t come close to me”
“What do you mean?” She asked, she sounded worried.
“You’ll eventually forget me anyway, better start now” I said in a hard cold tone.
She seemed to believe it and stood up, she tugged at my arm and spun me around so she could face me. She looked up at me with her eyes widened, and I looked down at her with a composed, cold face.
“What do you mean?!” She exclaimed, she looked at me as if she saw something horrible.
And I gave her no emotion, she seemed annoyed by that. Her hand reached for my neck and she pulled me down to kiss me. When our lips met, I had not showed any emotion to her, I took hold of her shoulders and pulled her away from me.
I then let her shoulders go and she stared at me stunned. I then bent forward and smiled at her, “You were just a game I played with” I told her.
Her eyebrows creased, “I don’t buy that. You like me” She said with such confidence.
That made me serious again, she knew that I liked her a lot, and she could even see through this charade.
“Very well then” I said, and started walking away.
“Izumi!” Irma yelled behind.

I kept on wandering around the school, had full of thoughts in my mind. Of course, would I always follow Kaname around. I even promised his parents Takahiro and Joelle.
I remember when I was little, and human. I would always sit around on the bridge and keep my legs in the water. There would always be a black shining limousine drive towards the bridge and a familiar little kid would always jump out to greet me.
Kaname and I were around seven years old when we met. At first, he would always sit like an obedient child, while I was the wild one who would always end up getting a limb or two broken. It took ages to get Kaname to trust me, he was very strict when it came to choosing who were his close friends and his enemies. When we were close enough, he would always join sitting with me on the bridge while I would greet his father Takahiro. Takahiro was one of the most famous vampires whom were a Pure Blood, one of the richest vampires in history. He would always nod to me as in saying hello, and I would always nod back confidentially. Then, comes Kaname’s beautiful mother. Joelle, she would always wave to me and give me a weak yet beautiful smile. Her brown chestnut colored hair, she had long hair up to her hips and they would always curl at the end.
Everything was smooth and nice until I was admitted to the hospital. I had gotten cancer and had a limited time to live. When that information came to Kaname and his parents, they would always come and greet me in the hospital. They were more like my family, my real family used to come everyday until I became paler and sicker. They started looking at me as if I were a pest whom would give my sickness away to someone close to me. They stopped coming and eventually lived a happy life without me.
Always Takahiro gave the hospital the money so they could afford medical treatment for me. However the doctors had given up on me, they couldn’t find any cure, and ultimately I started living there until it was my time to pass away.
When that news came to Takahiro and Joelle, they would do anything to find a doctor for me but nobody accepted, I was already in a crucial state to be saved. I wanted to so dearly live, I wanted to dip my feet in the water again, I wanted my mother’s warm embrace, I wanted to see my father grin at me whenever he would be proud of me. I wanted to see my little sister whom looked up at his big brother in wonder. In the end, I came to the last stage, and stopped breathing. I could then rely on my hearing senses. I could hear Joelle gasp and touch my forehead, she even tried to speak to me, tried to wake me up. Takahiro would yell on the doctors and force them to save me, Kaname, he would sit there still and look it all through his own eyes.
“Is my best friend going to die?” Kaname asked, his voice hoarse, he seemed to control his tears.
Joelle then cut her wrist so blood would ooze out, and she would then suck it and do a mouth to mouth to me. First, I didn’t understand what she was doing, until I got this strange strong smell sticking up in my nose and something strange tasting thing running down my throat.
“Miss, what are you doing!?” The doctors would yell and try to gain control while Takahiro would hold them to stay put.
At that instance, I turned into a Vampire.
“He won’t stay a chance like this, he needs to turn into a full Pure Blood,” Joelle told Takahiro, and he nodded in agreement.
“Kaname, come here” He ordered Kaname to come to him. Kaname went to stand beside his father.
“Will Daiki be alright?” Kaname asked.
“Daiki will be perfectly fine.” Takahiro soothed Kaname, and Kaname gave a smile.
He then took of his precious necklace and put it in my hands. They then went out.
I could hear how Joelle was unzipping her shirt, and the more I could sense the bare skin, the more my mind would turn cold and the more my throat would burn. I was thirsty, and that was the day my life was saved and someone else’s was sacrificed.
I had killed Joelle.
“You are now, Izumi Daiki Shinji,” Takahiro told me.
That was the day I hated myself, but I kept on living otherwise Joelle’s sacrifice would be nothing.

“Izuuumiiii” A familiar voice called out for me.
I then woke out of the slumber and I found Mimi standing there.
“Mimi?” I asked, suddenly shocked to see her here so soon.
“I got sum’ time off b’ Kaname. I wen’ to your house but you wer’no’ tha. Kaname said both you and Airi go to this schul,” She explained.
That’s when I got an idea that would make Irma hate me.
“Mimi, I need a favor from you” I asked her
“Sur’ anythin’ for a frend’” She then replied.
“Pretend to be my girlfriend” I ordered her.
Then I explained what happened and the whole plan.
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blackgirl - 25 maj 10 - 01:24- Betyg:
Fattar ni att jag har väntat!
Om ni var här nu skulle nu få varsin bamsekram men jag får skicka det på posten
Nu ska jag läsa nästa del och varför är izumi så cruel mot irma?
Violet - 25 maj 10 - 01:07
hehe. nice plan. srry om ja bara hoppar in mitt i storyn. LOL


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24 maj 10 - 20:53
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