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Dikter om sorg


You broke my heart like if it made of sand or even glass
So I stand before you as a heart broken creature of the night
I can’t hear my heart betting anymore and it's hard to handle in the
cold November rain, the cold November rain

So shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up,
Don't wanna hear it anymore it’s just sad excuses
Please someone, Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
I’m like the child waiting for the day I feel good
Here comes the rain again falling from the stars, falling from the stars

This is how you remind me of what I really am
A naive child dreaming of true love
O, please god, wake me up when November ends
Make ’em look right through me, look right through me

Going nowhere but can’t forgive you this time,
These boots are made for walkin and that’s what I have to do
Just realize you can never handle me, I'm a warm fire burning,
not just a candle in the wind, candle in the wind.

Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next
week you betrayed me again. What have you done to me?
I just to be happy and now the dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had, the best I ever had

This is what you always wanted,
No woman no cry and you sure as hell never have me again.
But in the end sadly all I can say is
I will Always love you, but never ever forgive you, always love you
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