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A musical memory - Oneshot

Detta är en skrivuppgift som går ut på att man ska skriva om musik som får en att minnas en särskild händelse, kan vara fiktiv som denna.


A Musical Memory

Your melody gives me sunshine in winter cold

He was beautiful that winter night in december. The sky was in a blue daze, half expecting that I wasn’t criticizing it for its awful colour. I was well aware of being gazed at when I went outside that night. Ceo was there, by my side, and as I mentioned before, he was a true beauty. His dark green eyes were lined with black ink. Tattooed into his skin, was a picture of his concert we’ve been to, the previous day. Love story, the song was called. Our song.

His irises had stains of gold in them, and I remembered why he had looked so peculiar that night. His girlfriend was back in town, and suddenly everything was changed. Our summer alone was over.

“I’m sorry.” He said, his melodic voice piercing the cold night. There was no room for mistakes now; we had so little time together. Without hesitation, I grabbed hold of his left hand and watched the sky for a moment, reminiscing the musical concert we’d been to.

“I would like to dedicate this song to my beautiful girl over there!” He half screamed through the microphone. He was drunk, but nevertheless vibrant. His dark skin shone as black pearls.

“I’m so in love,

With a beautiful girl,

Almost a fairy tale,

Oh dear,

Such a beautiful girl,”

I remembered the blush that was painted on both of my cheeks. I smiled. My white teeth glistened in the dark afternoon. Everything was so dark. Musically dark.

“There’s no need to apologize.” I whispered, frightened that his girlfriend would overhear us in her tent. My eyes filled with tears. “I love you too.”
He looked at me. Piercing and menacing, as if he wanted to slap me for having uttered those three words. I looked back at him and noticed a sudden change at the way he looked at me. His gaze softened and he was so close. His body was filling me with warmth. I stroke him on the neck and drew him a bit closer. Filling my lungs with his peppermint breath. We kissed. And for one brief moment the whole world stood still. I could hear the melodies of a song sung by the trees, sung by the birds and even by the leaves tumbling down on the autumn ground.

You know,

I’m so in love,

With a beautiful girl,

Almost a fairy tale,

Oh dear,

Such a beautiful girl

We broke our kiss, both of us blushing, hiding our feelings in the tune, our song. “I love you.” He said and gave me a second look that lasted an eternity.
Our hands had found each other’s again. The song connected us together. “You’re my musical memory,” He said, with a playful smile on his full lips.

“You’re mine as well.”


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