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Time's not up. yet.

detta behöver ni faktiskt inte läsa.
jag har inga planer på att fortsätta med den
här. Eller ja, inte att publicera det på dikta
Jag har den bara här så jag inte tappar bort den.
något jag ganska ofta gör.. höhö.

- What we think with, what we ARE, is nothing but energy. Sure we
are made of hundreds and millions and billions of microscopic
atoms. But that's not what we are driven by, that's not what we
think with, because that, is only pure energy.
When a person dies his or hers remains rotten, or shall I say
Anyhow, the body turns into compost of some sort.
But not the mind. Sure, a brain without cells cannot think
or work at any matters. But the energy is still left, because
you cannot erase energy.
And that, my friend, is a ghost.
The energy not being able to be erased lives by, just goes
with the flow, wherever the wind takes it.

Have you ever wondered why some people can "feel" some sort of
present? Why only some people can actually see the future or
the past?
It's because even the past is energy. The past is still there,
it hasn't moved. We are moving. Moving forward all the time, but
not really, we stand still too.
Because our vision of time doesnt really exist, only in our minds.
Everything is made of energy, driven by energy.
And so, everything lives by later when it dies. As energy.
Some people has an extra good sense to feel that sort of energy,
those who can see "ghosts" and tell the future or look into
the past.
You see, even buildings has energy and a memory.
Because, even if you don't want to belive it, even dead things
are alive. An atom is alive. And, well, everything is built out
of atoms, that's why everything is alive.
a spoon really isn't a spoon, it's small things build together
in the shape of a spoon in our eyes.
Ever wonder how some people can bend spoons?
They don't think of it as spoons. It's only materials.

The way we see our world doesn't have to be the way it actually
is. Our vision of time and space is more compicated than it has
to be.
We sort of invented time. Because time doesn't, as I've said,
exist but in our minds.
past was then, now is now and the future is, well, not here yet.
But, try to imagine, there is no past, present or future?
everything is now and what has happened can happen again. But not
two times, no, only one time. But again, before, now.
It's easier to understand if you try not to understand it.

Have you heard the stories of people from long ago turns
out of nothing, walking out on the street in old clothes?

- yes,yes, but why are you telling me this?
he answered, not sure what he was doing there.
- That's not important. You just listen.
The old man said. Anyhow, where was I?
- You were just talking about people turning out
of the blue. But I really have to go, I have to fix some
important stuff at home.
- No you don't you'll listen to what I have to say.
The old man beged, sad that no one would listen to his great
The man saw the desire in the old mans eyes and wanted to
please him by listening. But he was actually in a hurry,
he asured himself, or was he? yes ofcourse.
You could call it a hurry.
- Well it's some really important stuff and I really have to
go and I'm really sorry but I just cannot sit here any longer.
And I don't even know you this, this is absolutely absurd! he said,
exaggerating himself by his own words.
I have to go.
he said, stood up and hurried down the hall.
The old man, Hessnan Weaser, watched his only son walk away,
unaware of the situation.
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