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A place called Here - Oneshot

HJÄLP diktaner, fick i engelska uppgift att skriva om vilken plats i Sverige jag mest tycker om, o här är resultatet.
Hjälp mig med att fixa till den: Både ris och ros.

Love er V&L


A place called Here

Where rainbows end

Year 2015
Location: Northwest London
Time: 05.00 a.m.

”Do tell me a bit about the place called Here.” He laughed nervously, unprepared of the outcome of his question.
Deep blue eyes staring straight at me. The question hadn’t been answered yet. But still I took a deep breath and smiled. My teeth glistened in the snow white morning. We walked outdoors, too far away from home. Too far away from Here.
“Pardon me for my inquiries but you’re book is so mysterious. What is Here that you’re always describing?”
The wind blew hard and biting cold. I could feel it whispering something, urging me to go on. To tell him the story about Here. But I dared not to.
“Here is…” I trailed off.
Suddenly warmth spread into my ice blue fingers. His right hand was squeezing mine. “Don’t worry – everything is going to be alright.” He whispered smoothly.
His breath smelled of lavender and vanilla. He was too close now. I moved away, letting go of his hand. My eyes automatically gazed to the northwest. My beloved Here was too far.
“My father always used to say that a story isn’t a good story if it doesn’t contain something self experienced. And Here is the place where I grew up in. Gothenburg. In Sweden.”
The silence overwhelmed me. Everything was so still now. I couldn’t feel the wind anymore. It felt like the whole universe was waiting for me to go on. I chuckled and smiled. Something beautiful had hit me from the clear sky. “Have you ever seen the movie called The wizard of Oz?”
The tall man looked confused and nodded. “Do you remember the song Somewhere over the rainbow?”He furrowed his French brow. “Oui.” He replied, still confused. “You know there’s nothing better than being in the land where rainbows end.” I said cryptic and smiled once again.
I could hear the chords and distant chanting.
“Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.”

My voice was silk and velvet. Soft. The man’s eyes were round with wonder. “You…” He whispered. “That was amazing, I didn’t know you could sing.” I smiled with great amazement and shook my head. “No, I don’t sing. I only sing that song.”
“There’s much you don’t know about me.” I continued with shiny eyes, filled with my past. He had opened a secret door by mentioning Here. “My dearest Mr Claude, we shall go inside if you want to hear the story about Here.” I said quietly.
We were going to visit the land where rainbows ended.

Time: 07.00 a.m.

“Excuse-moi, Mademoiselle,” He said a bit uncomfortable. “Let me get this straight. Here is Gothenburg? Nothing mysterious or excellent? Just Gothenburg?” His pronunciation of Gothenburg was terrible and I twitched in my seat, already feeling uncomfortable. “Let me make you some tee,” I said and got out of my seat in a rush. I poured some hot water in a cup. The green tee smelled lovely when I sat down again. “Mm, merci beaucoup, tu es très gentille.” He said and smiled.
I looked through the frosty window and my eyes were already longing. Suddenly I could feel that urge that forced me to begin telling the story exactly as it had happened.
“I was only five years old when I first discovered the snow lying outside during winter. I had never noticed it before. It just lay there one day, outside our cozy apartment and waited. It felt almost like it was waiting for me to come outside and play with it. “MUMMY!” I yelled and threw some pillows at her head whilst she was fast asleep. “Mummy, we must go outside! Now! Or else it will disappear!”
I was so young and so innocent back then. Gothenburg was a different place during those years.
Dad had come to visit that day when I first discovered snow. He wasn’t happy when I told him about my great adventure with mum. “You shouldn’t have let her gone out in this cold.” He said angrily, but even his fierceness couldn’t hinder me from being happy.
And that’s when I made up this fairytale world called Here. In Here it was always snowy and beautiful and the sun glistened which made the snow reflect all its light in one crystal glare. But Here only existed in Gothenburg and nowhere else. Because there was nothing as beautiful as wintertime in Sweden, in Here. I thought that this was where my fairytale would end, but I came to realize that it was only the beginning of everything. Suddenly my fantasy world became much more vivid. And it wasn’t only called Here, but it was also called the land where rainbows ended.”
My father was so worried about me during those times. Because, the sickness, as he described my illusions never went away, it just became more vivid and clearer to me. I remember one vision of this fairytale world of mine. I was sixteen years old, when I started losing my mind.
“So you mean I could’ve left a long time ago?” the panicked voice emerging into relief.
“Yes, child, a very long time ago indeed.” The wizard said with a deep voice, containing a lot of wisdom.
“There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.” She whispered, blinking hard, whilst rocking the bright red shoes.
A flash of light green and Dorothy was gone.
That was me back then. I was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

I woke up from the dream when I heard a distant sobbing. Dad was sitting on a couch next to me. His eyes were puffy and red from crying.
Dad’s forehead creased in concern, and the silence took over everything. Suddenly he fell on his knees next to me. I turned away from him, wanting him to leave me alone.
“You’ve been crying. Why, Dana? Why do you torture me so?” he said and his voice was different now. It sounded so sad. There was no rainbow in it. Only blackness. Colorless.
“I’m sorry, Dad. I can’t help it.” I said and turned to him again.
His face was hot and red, the eyes were bloodshot. His tears were so beautiful, so blue. An oasis in the middle of the desert. He took hold of my soft hands, kissing every inch of them and hugged me tightly. I dared not to let go.
“Father, I’m so sorry, “I whispered.
”I can’t help it anymore. I need help.”

Time: 10.16 a.m.

”So you mean you were crazy?” His voice had a tone of astonishment in it.
I looked him straight in the eyes, piercing him with a dark look. Something cracked inside of me when he put it like that.
”No, Í wasn’t mad.” I said bitterly, with eyes filled with tears.
No, I had never been. ”Here did exist, my dear Mr Claude.”
He looked confused and opened his mouth to say something, but I didn’t let him. ”Here is and was the northwest of Gothenburg in Hisingen where I grew up. And Here was everything I’ve ever experienced in my dreams and in my country, placed in one fantasy world. In Here everyone was always happy; in Here there were tourist attractions similar to Liseberg. In Here existed the mall Nordstan and in Here it was always snowing from a clear sky, just like the day when I first discovered snow.” I gazed through the window and the whole universe was still for one moment. Holding its breath.

Time: 15.00 p.m.

The wind was still whispering when Mr Claude left me.
”Somewhere over the rainbow, Where the skies are blue…” The chanting of the wind took a firm grip of my body, filling me with its chords melody.
And for once in my life I didn’t sing along. Instead I cried and went inside my little cottage; leaving the sad memories behind, knowing that Gothenburg would forever exist in my heart
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missnameless - 9 feb 10 - 19:02- Betyg:
Jättevacker, massor med kärlek :) MEN du ville ha både ris och rosor ;/ Om din engelskalärare nu är så petig, så skriver du i presens i denna mening: "Deep blue eyes staring straight at me." och i imprefekt i resten av novellen. Men annars mycket, mycket vacker (L)

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9 feb 10 - 07:06
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