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Dikter om sorg

you where my other half.

I can see the half moon high on the sky,
I can see like three stars besides.
I can see the ocean covering the half horizon.
But everything I see is half? Why?

When you left the world and my life you took a half with you.
I can't wake up in the morning and hear your voice anymore.
I can't walk home from school and meet you in the door
because you are so happy to see me. One half in my life,
in my heart, is gone. And that half belongs to you, and
now you are gone. There is no more reason to live my life
without you. There is no meaning to continue breath.

Dear, when you left me, and the earth, there was
like a bomb hade chrashed down. Everything and everyone
was broken.
Life sucks without you.
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30 jan 10 - 17:37
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