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Dikter om vänskap

the longe road

A life in the shadows, I have left so far ...
After a long road of painful memories that come back to your head.
Day after day you go after the long, dark road.
I can not see anything because it is a thick fog that is overalt.
Can not hear nothing, lodge feel anything.
Wish I could get to know the wonderful feeling again!
The heat that warms your body ...
But I know only the bitter cold that breaks gently into my body.
Open my eyes to try to see something .... looks a little glow of a light far away on the road.
I close my eyes and open my eyes again, then I see only one person, close their eyes again and look then ...
Then it says more people there.
When I arrive, it's my closest friends who come your way.
They say "we follow where you go, as long as it takes to find a new way to show you the wonderful life"
I walk with them and laugh with them ... pause a moment and think about it ...
When I fall, they are my friends who help me up.
When I bleed, they are my friends who help me to wipe off the blood.
When I am sad, so they are there and comforted me and trying to make me laugh.
Without my wonderful friends, I would not get up.
But with them I am stronger and can handle everything.
For I have their support.

Lover my friends who always there for one <3
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