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Dikter om vänskap

Friends are important to have

What would we be without real friends?
What would happen if I had not had you.
I know what had happened, I had not passed me achieve long ..
You help me when I need to talk to someone.
You support me whenever they have something happened.
When I feel the worst so you are trying to do everything just for me to feel good.
I would fall into the pit again ...
The long, deep, dark hole again, so I do not know if everyone would jump down behind me to help me up.
But I know that some of my friends would do that.
And I'm glad to have you!
For without you what would they be worth living then?
You mean an awful lot to me!
But right now I do not know what I'm going to take me to ....
my thoughts, I can not think clearly because it is so much that comes into my head.
I do not know if I can trust anybody now, almost ....
I'm trying really there but it is difficult.
But I can trust some of my friends, for they are those who have supported me most when I've actually had to help.
Without you I would live in the shadows again ...
Go after the long dark road again ... without being able to see without being able to hear.
Not be able to feel anything except cold coming into my body ...
But luckily I have you, my closest friends <3
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26 jan 10 - 20:52
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