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You my brother!!

You my brother. Here in my life, I will always need you. You are the one I think of when I just want to die. You are the sunlight of my day, Your room is the best place in the whole world. I love you my brother. I want you to know that I will never replace you for somebody else. I could take my life for you, cause my brother I love you so. I don´t know what I would do without you. Completely honestly, I wouldn’t have anything to do. Nothing to live for, Nobody to really love anymore. Sometime in the future, when you get own children. I know that you will be a wonderful father. You will love them with all your heart, and you will learn them every single detail, that you have learn me. So I just want to say, I will always love you my brother. Today, Tomorrow, Every day of my life!!
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serviishiia - 6 dec 09 - 13:20
naaawww <3

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5 dec 09 - 13:03
(Har blivit läst 126 ggr.)
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