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Where we can die and live again

oh beloved
come, take hold of my hand
and take a deep breath now
i promise
that i will take you to
places beyond
these clouds which
makes the air so
hard to breathe
take a deep breath now,
a last breath of razors, dear

and i will do my
very best to
create threads made of
the shimmering moonlight
i have seen how your eyes
changes in the sight of it

i will try
to stitch your wounds up with
that light
cus i can't bare to see you
this bleeding, love
i just can't
and that shimmering light
would fit just perfect
in you
if only you could see
that too,
how you shimmer in my eyes
and if only you knew
how the feeling of
leaves a mark on my skin
whenever i've been close
to you

come, take my hand
and we will make it
to the very end of the world
and back again
because Death could never break us
not anymore
we are too used to fight the dark
and if He would manage to come too close
he would have to take us both down
He can't ever break us
nothing can

i will give my life
to you
every single breath
every single tear or smile
every single heartbeat
every single sign of pulse

and i will do all that i am
able to do, and try even harder
if i have to
to set your eyes
and show you the stars
oh darling, take the sky that lay above us now
and let it move into you
and you will see even
the dead stars
they are the most beautiful, you see
the have won
gone through the darkness
and returned to the light
and their light is
h o p e

their light is
what i see in you

take my hand
and i will show you
your own divinity, dear

and that is
the most extraordinary
thing i could ever show you
because something greater
could not excist

and when we have got
heaven inside us
i promise you
that we are truly

like the dead stars

just like them
we will rise from the dark
and this light
this light
is held by our wings, love

the most beautiful

let me move into
your darkest heaven
where we can die and live again

our hands held tight
create pure light
and i will never, ever let you go

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Raevpojken - 20 nov 09 - 21:46
naww...dy typ dödar mig jack

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18 nov 09 - 22:12
(Har blivit läst 108 ggr.)
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