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You know that weird thing called love, part 3

´”Who is she?” dad asked eagerly.
“I can’t tell”
“I’m your father. I’ve got rights to know stuff like that!“
“You wouldn’t accept her.”
“You don’t think that I would accept her?”
“You would be… worried”
“Now I’m just more curious, you know you can’t hide this for a long time.”
I thought about that. It would be hard, yes.
“She’s actually here today.”
“Here?” He asked surprised. He hadn’t put my sentences together yet. Soon it would be hard to calm him down.
“Yes here.”
“Which of them? The receptionist? She’s sweet”
“No, not the receptionist.”
“Don’t say you’ve got a crush on one of the guards?”
I started to understand why he wasn’t furious yet.
“No, not the guards.” I closed my eyes. It was quiet for some seconds. I could hear the conversation from the men sitting by the table next to us. They talked about cars. I opened my eyes again and looked at him. I could almost hear the click when he understood. His face went white, then red, then blue. I started to get really anxious – could he breathe?
Then he calmed down and shrugged. He muttered the words “Why doesn’t it surprise me”.
“I said you wouldn’t accept her”
“You didn’t say she was a criminal!” He spitted out the word “Criminal” like it was a curse. I didn’t answer.
“Who? Who is the one?”
“Her name is Sam.”
He gasped in chock. “No. No it is not true. You can not be in love with Sam.”
“I am.”
“She is a serial killer. The worst of us.” He paused. “The most hideous and gross and best murderer in this prison!” His tone shot up with agitation.
“You don’t know her.”
“Do you?” He said and chewed his lunch before he went to the trash can and walked away.
I thought about that. I had met her twice, but it felt like I had known her for years. Something clicked in my head. Why she laughed when I told her my first girlfriend was called Sam, the teacher Bill, her blues eyes, the feeling I knew her… She was… Sam. Samantha. My first girlfriend. We had been together in 3 years, and then she moved to another city. We both had been so sad when we took farewell. We had cried until there were no tears left. I had been very depressed for a year, I really loved her. Dad had been worried about my health – I stopped eating and lost weight. There was only one choice to get over her – to forget her. That is why I hadn’t recognized her before.
When dad found out he would be more unwilling to accept her.
Sweet Sam, how did she end up like this?
I heard the door open and out came Sam, first out of a bunch prisoners – all looking at her with fear.
I rose up and embraced her.
“Hi Sam.” I gave her a light kiss.
“Hi Joey”
“You knew it. You knew it all the time! Didn’t you?”
“Why didn’t you say something?!”
“I wanted you to remember me” She shrugged. “I never forgot you, Joey, I couldn’t.”
“And I was forced to it. Ask dad.”
“I will.” She said honestly.
“I cried a whole year you know?”
“I stopped eating.”
“Me too, that’s why dad forced me to forget you. I started to lose weight.”
“How did it work in Arizona?”
“Not so well”
“What happened?”
“I… landed up in the wrong gangs.”
Now it was my turn to say “Oh.”
“Let’s not talk about that.”
“I totally agree”
“Want to shake hands?” She teased me.
“Yeah, why not?” I said, playing my role.
She took a bite of the not very appetizing food she had on her plate.
“Taste good?”
“No, not really.” She said with the mouth filled of food.
“I see your table manners haven’t changed since last time I saw you eat?”
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t mean it literally. You can talk.”
“I know I can talk. I’m a free man.”
“Talking about being a free man, where do you live?”
“39355 California St, Fremont, CA”
“But I’m not sure I’m going to live there when you’re released…”
“Hm…” She chewed her food and we sat quiet for a quarter. I had much to think of.

“Times up.” The guard said.
I kissed her goodbye and when we left the room she squeezed my hand and said quietly:
“See you soon.”


I woke up, hearing a stone bounce against my window. I walked to it, wondering who was up this late, throwing stones on my window.
I got a chock. It was Sam.
“What the hell are you doing here?!”
“I can explain! I just need a place right now. Can I come in?”
“Of course! And run – let no one see you!”
“Ok. Open your door”
I ran to my computer, started it up and walked to my front door, waiting for her to come up.
As I had closed my door I turned around to look at her.
“We must escape the country.”
She sighed. “I know.”
“And we must come to the flight before they have announced and closed the airports.”
“That will be hard. But I knocked down the two guards – your dad keeps them immovable for tonight.“
“Wait, what?! My dad helped you?”
“Yes, he realized he had nothing to say about our love – and even gave me a hug before I ran out through the smashed window.”
“But he is going to get more years” I said moaning.
“No, but if they get me I’m going to get more years.“
I turned to the computer and booked flight for the two of us before running into the bedroom to pack my belongs.
“But my dad is still guilty for being an accomplice” I said – carrying a huge bag filled up with clothes and beddings.
“No, I crashed the cameras before taking him out. “
I sighed in relief. Then I threw all clothes the bag could hold into my biggest bag. I threw a shirt and a pair of jeans to her.
“Better change your clothes. You look… conspicuous.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right about that part” She made a grin and looked at her dirty orange prison-costume. It wasn’t orange anymore, more like… Brown.
I ran out to the kitchen with another bag and filled it with knives, forks, spoons, plates and glasses. Sam started to help me and ran out to the bathroom. Soon the house emptied and only furniture was left. I thought I could come back later – sell the apartment and all the furniture, quitting my job and say a great goodbye to dad. Then I took my keys and locked the door to my home. The flight would leave USA by two hours. And about 16 hours, I would stand next to Sam in Italy.
“Maybe I can join the mafia?” She teased me.
“No, i don’t think that is such a great idea. And still – the mafia’s on Sicily”
“Oh. Okay”
I kissed her smooth lips. “I love you so much it should be criminal”
“I love you more.”
“That’s not possible. But still – we don’t want the police after us. Shall we go?”
“Yeah, why not?” She said and smiled when she took my hand.

Tredje, och sista delen.
Eftersom det var ett skolarbete fick den inte bli så lång...
konstruktiv kritik uppskattas!
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twistedreality - 21 nov 09 - 01:07- Betyg:
riktigt bra, eller nej, grymt bra enligt mig.

Man verkligen fastnar i den och vill läsa vidare

Så tycker de är lite synd att detta var sista delen :o

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15 nov 09 - 17:57
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