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Övriga dikter

You are not my father anymore!

How can you even say that you love me?
How can you even pretand that you do?
And if you really do,
you doesn't show it very well!
Do you think that I believe you?
That I trust you?
You have hurt me to many times!
You are not my father anymore!

I know you think I'm being childish.
I know you think that I´m stupid.
But actually, I see more than you think.
I have always given you a second chanch,
but now it´s over.
I will never, ever trust you anymore
and you can't ever win me back.
Because I'm so tired of your bullshit!!

Do you really think that I love you?
Do you really think that I care for you anymore?
If you unestly can say that you think so,
you have so wrong that it's almost very sad.
And in that case,
you are more stupid than a child on 2 month!
I don't want you in my life anymore!
I don't need you anymore!
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22 okt 09 - 21:05
(Har blivit läst 135 ggr.)
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