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I'm a Chased Curse

Where are you supposted to run when you have no goal to run to?
Where are you supposted to escape to when you're not fast enough?
And where are you supposted to hide when there's nothing to hide behind?

The warm flames showed her ghost. It was many years by now since he was hers and she was his. She smiled to him, like that smile she gave him the first time they met and so was it his first time to fell in love for real. They got married, moved to a nice farm, got a daughter and started a happily life together as an family.
But suddenly those words came up as an echo in his head; "You're a cursed man."
The baby's scream went louder and then even louder and then to a gurgling noise and then... Silence. The woman screamed of fear and tried to flee from those fangs. But she was too slow...
Cows made chocked noises and tried so as the woman to escape from the beast, but they couldn't. The farm was destroyed and full of bloodmarks and bodies. And the thing about this... The one who did this was.. Himself.

The bloodred eyes opened themselves. They watched sleepy the dancing fire. He was tired but didn't want to go back to sleep. It had just been a dream. Those dreams... They were haunting him. He can't still understand it, why he didn't take his life years ago. But with this big, seem to be unbreakable body it was very hard and after a long time he gave up. Or was he just too scared to do it? Well, it doesn't matter anymore. He is bonded now to protect this library that he lives in. This is his new home and he should move on from his past. But those voices and faces.. They couldn't disapear. The words was coming as an echo in to his head again; "You're a cursed man."
His jaws was closing hard together and he closed his eyes. He throw up his arm and art pictures, books and pillows was slunged to different places. A sorrowfull sigh left the werewolf's throat and slowly he laid down on the cold treefloor.

How can you break an eternal curse?

Jaaa, något jag skrev ner en kväll på min mobil x'D Tyckte att jag kunde dela med mig av det här <3 Såå.. Denna korta text jag skrivit handlar om min 160 år gamla, förhäxade, 250- 260 cm höga varulv som är väktare över ett gigantiskt biblotek och heter Chased Curse. Underligt namn, what ya think? :3 I alla fall, denna text berättat lite om hans bakgrund. Lyssnade på Kiss my eyes and lay me to Sleep medans jag skrev, så det gav lite mer stämning i skrivandet (Dumdumdumduuum) 8D Kommentera och skriv vad ni tycker om min dåliga engelska X'D
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