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Burn Love BURN! {HPfafic/Engelsk} Part one

Chapter one, a new world
I woke up that morning because a high sound from the kitchen, my mum and dad had gone to bed before me so I was pretty sure that it was not one of them. I got out of my bed and started to walk down the stairs from my bedroom. The door was closed to my mum and dad’s bedroom so I went back for my wand. When I reached the bottom if the stairs I walked slowly to the kitchen. To my relief it was only Crookshank that hat jumped up on to the table and pushed vase on to the floor. I pointed my wand at the broken vase;
“Reparo” the vase fixed itself. I bent down and picked it up and put it back on the table. I looked at Crookshank and shock my head at him. As I went back up to my bed I felt that I was no longer tired, but the clock was almost five in the morning so I could not go up and do anything. So I went in to my room and picked up a book that was on my desk. It was one of the books I had taken from Dumbledore’s office after his death, I needed to know as much as possible.

Around nine I heard my mum waking up, I was going to leave for the borrow today, so I had to put the spell on them both soon. Before Tonks came and picked me up, I was feeling a bit sad, but it was the best way to make sure that they were safe. I looked out the window and felt a strong feeling of a great sadness coming over me, I was going to miss this, this world without problems. I was going away, on a mission I knew would probably be my death, maybe also Harry and Ron´s. I started to cry, the idea of Harry and Ron dying scared me more than anything. They were like my brothers; I looked at an old photo Mrs. Weasley had taken on them last year at her house before they went back to Hogwarts. Before we knew about the Horcruxes or the mission that Dumbledore would leave us. I went over to my bookshelf and took out my favorite book “A Winter´s tale” by Shakespeare. My dad loved that book, that why he named me Hermione, I knew the book would not help us on the mission, but I still packed it down in my bag, just in case I would have the time to read it. I packed down cloths, the books I knew we would need and some muggle camping equipment so we could cock if it would get to that. I had also succeeded to get the same tent that we had when we went to the Quidditch world cup. Lupin helped me with that, with this I think we would be able to survive for some time without help from others. I closed the trunk and took out my wand and went down, I knew how to do the spell, but I had made myself a promise to tell them everything first.
“Mum, dad” I said as I entered the kitchen, my dad looked up at me and smiled at me, but stopped when he saw that I was crying.
“Hermione my dear, are you alright?” My mum gave me a hug and I sat down and told them everything. About You-Know-Who and that my friend Harry was the only one that could stop him and we knew how, that we needed to go and that we would probably not survive.
“Hermione, you can´t go” my dad said, I dried my tears.
“Yes I do, but don´t worried, you won´t remember me” I took out my wand and started to work the spell on my mum and dad. Then I went up to my room took my things and went outside to get to the place where Tonks would pick me up. I only waited for ten minutes before Tonks appeared.
“Hello Hermione, why did you ask me to pick you up here?” She asked, her hair was in the shade of brown and she had dark eyes.
“I wanted to say goodbye on my own and not more than once” I said, Tonks looked at me, she knows that we are leaving I could tell in the way she looked at me.
“Well, I take your things and I see you at the borrow” She took my trunk and turned on the spot, I looked over at my house said goodbye and turned on the spot concentrated on the Borrow.

I appeared in the Borrows backyard, Ron ran out and gave me a hug.
“I missed you Hermione” he said and smiled, I smiled back and we started to walk in to the house were the rest of the Weasley was waiting, Ginny ran up to me and gave me a hug and soon Mrs. Weasley also put her arms around me and patted me on the back.
“Welcome Hermione, I am so happy you wanted to come to the wedding, Bill and Fleur will be so happy with another guest” She let me go and went in to the kitchen. Lupin was sitting there with Mad-eye and talking in low voices.
“They are planning how to get Harry here” Ron whispered, I nodded to him and sat down for dinner. Bill and Fleur joined us soon. Fleur was as beautiful as always, her long blond hair and her perfect face. Bill had some scares after last year, but he seemed fine. Bill sat down at the seat just across me and he shook my hand and thanked me for coming to the wedding. I told him that I was happy to be here and I turned to Ron and gave him a look that said “Like I had a choice”. Ron ignored the look I gave him, I agreed with Harry that we should leave the moment he turns seventeen, but Ron hade us promise to stay one extra day for the wedding.
“Hermione before I forget” It was Lupin, I turned to him and he looked at me with a serious facial expression.
“You know Draco Malfoy right?” I looked at him I wondered if I heard right.
“Draco Malfoy?” I asked, Lupin nodded.
“Yeah, I know him, so do Ron and Harry” I said, Lupin nodded again.
“You see, he came to us a week ago and said that he wanted us to help him save his family, apparently Voldermort has no more use of them” He stopped talking and looked at me and Ron.
“What do you think?” Mad-eye asked, I looked at Ron who Shook his head.
“Well, Harry told me that he did not think Draco would have killed Dumbledore, but well I think I could trust Draco, but not his father” I said, Ron opened his mouth to say something but Lupin cut him off.
“Thank you Hermione, well I think we should ask the Malfoys to send their son here, and we keep him safe for some time and see what happens” I nodded and looked at Ron who looked like he was going to scream but he just took his anger out on the sausage he had on his plate.

Later I was sitting in Ginny’s room talking.
“Oh right, Luna is coming over here, she and her dad is under threat by the Deatheters so they are going to stay here for sometime”
“Great!” I missed Luna, even if we had our differences.
“They are coming to the wedding too” she said and took out a pink dress from her closet.
“Look at this, this is what they are going to make me were!” She said looking at the dress as if the dress was going to kill her.
“I will look like Umbridge!” I started laughing she had a point.
“But much sweeter” I said and we went soon to bed.

Hope you liked it, i am not the best writier but i kinde of like this one =)
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