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Lifestory told by an assassin. [Prologue.]

Författar kommentar; Jag ursäktar ifall någon finner min engelska dålig eller så, men jag vill gärna ha kritik. Av alla slag, ris som ros. 8D Sen vill jag gärna veta ifall det är något att ens fortsätta på [?] >__>

Long ago in the land of fantasies, there were a man and a half human half snowleopard female, living peacefully in a village, full of other animals and humans, those who was pushed away by their own. The man, Hioshi was married to the snowleopard, Yuuki, and together they where waiting a baby…

Baby crying was heard silently from the little cave, outside the wind howling, rain smashing to the ground fiercly.
”It’s a boy” The doctor smiled gently, placing the little furry baby in the mothers embracing paws. She began to lick it, clean it up. The man sat next to the snow leopard, smiling slightly as he looked at the baby. His little baby boy. He rose to his feet, looking at the doctor who helped his wife, his child.
”Thanks for your kindness” The male said, shaking the doctors hand.
”I’m glad I was able to help”
And so, the baby boy, half human, half snow leopard was brought to the world. Innocent as a child could be. Sweet as sugar, beatiful as the moon. The birth of Yuuji.

The years went by at a high speed. The boy got brothers, sisters, he learnt to talk, to walk. To change to human form. He laughed, smiled, always there for everyone. The only one who wasn’t there, was the father. He’d abandon the mother and the children. The boy to young to understand. The boy’s dream was to protect everyone in his world, his mother, his siblings, the village. He started to learn how to use the sword at age seven. And so, the years went by…

The night before.
”Mommy?” The thirteen year old boy said, white hair dancing around his shoulders.
”Yes my dear?” The mother smiled her own long white hair dancing together with her son’s.
”When I grow up, I’m going to protect you, and the village. Everyone, and I will never leave you. Not like father” He huffed, crossed his arms in a child like way despite his age.
”I know that sweetie” She laughed silently, ruffling his hair, listening to his angry like ’no’ when she did so.
”But mom. I’m serious” She smiled again.
”I know that too” He huffed again, turned away from her, facing a tree.
”So go to sleep now, so you can train and become really strong for mother!” He nodded, gripping his sword, now on his way back to theire house. He turned around smiling at her.
”Goodnight mom”
”Goodnight dear” A motherly smile again, and the boy started to walk again, his mother following him.

They went to sleep, smiling, dreaming, about happiness, about someone to love. Not knowing about the horrible thing who was about to happen…
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NadaZero93 - 21 aug 09 - 20:21
tcker att den verkar bra, en intressant story, och skönt att läsa på engelska utan allt för många grammatik fel. skön fantasi du har :)

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21 aug 09 - 19:46
(Har blivit läst 49 ggr.)
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