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Övriga dikter


I love this beautiful morning. The birds are playing their beautiful songs. on my way to the bathroom. I saw that the television was on. it was just a some news about another guy that have been killed. I was just thinking oh well it is just another murder. Nothing i can do about that. but at that moment i smelled death and disaster. oh someone is knocking at my door. a bullet pierced our door. I throw my self at the floor.I was alive. I heard someone screaming behind me. it was my family. They all had been shoot by some crazy ass fuck because he got a feeling to kill some people. I yelled Satan I give you my soul. If just my family can be saved. At that moment i saw that my brothers and my mother and my father were standing up. I started to run to them but i could not reach them. I tried to reach them, but i could'nt. Satan didn't kill me. He gave me a curse. That i can never touch or talk to my beloved family again
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Notchii - 13 aug 09 - 10:52- Betyg:
Wow!! Har typ inga ord den var jävligt bra!

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12 aug 09 - 22:35
(Har blivit läst 219 ggr.)
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