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Conversations with myself (oldstuff)

-What is the meaning of my existence?

-The meaning?

-Yes the meaning- Why do I exist?

-You exist only for so long as you believe in your own existence.

-Yes, I know that already. But how am I supposed to believe in myself if I do not know why I'm in this world?

-I guess you'll just have to find out why then, won't you?

-I suppose so, but just how is that supposed to happen, according to you?

-You'll just have to find your own way of understanding.

-But I'm always in someone else's way, whatever I do.

-You're not in other people's way unless that's where you put yourself.

-But still, I've always tried to be happy all the time, tried to be generous with my friendship.

-If you've tried so hard, why is it that you're always so unsuccessful?

-I think I'm talking to a voice inside my head, is that correct?

-Yes, you're going insane...

(From the old times, when I used to be emo,
although it's actually a conversation from
inside my head at the time)
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ajje - 12 aug 09 - 22:16
Har en "dialog" inne i huvudet hela tiden. De olika personerna
har olika karaktär och allting, men mest är det någon som frågar
och någon som svarar XD
TruddieDue_ - 12 aug 09 - 21:03
fattar presic :)
honheterjenny - 12 aug 09 - 18:49
aspiration - 12 aug 09 - 17:43
intressant att läsa... känner igen så mycket.
angel96 - 12 aug 09 - 17:12

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12 aug 09 - 17:04
(Har blivit läst 196 ggr.)
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