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Worlds Of War 11

Pasadena Control:
It's looking good.
It's going good.
We're getting great pictures here at NASA Control Pasadena.
The landing-craft touched down on Mars,
twenty-eight Kilometres from the aim-point.
We're looking at a remarkable landscape
littered with different kind of rocks - red, purple.....
How about that Bermuda?

Bermuda Control:
Look at the dune-field….

Pasadena Control:
Hey wait!
I'm getting a no-go signal.
Now I losing one of the crafts.
Hey Bermuda, are you getting it?

Bermuda Control:
No, I have lost contact.
There is a lot of dust blowing up there….

Pasadena Control:
Now I have lost the second craft.
We got problems!!

Bermuda Control:
All contact lost, Pasadena.
Maybe the antenna's.....

Pasadena Control:
What is that flare?
See it?
A green flare, coming from Mars,
with a green mist behind it.
It is getting closer.
You seen that Bermuda?
Come in Bermuda!
Houston, come in!
What's going on?
Tracking station forty-three Canberra,
come in Canberra!
Tracking station sixty-three,
can you hear me Madrid?
Can anybody hear me?
Come in,
Come in.......

The end…..
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