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Worlds Of War 6

Listen, do you hear them drawing near,
in their search for the sinners.
Feeding on the power of our fear
and the evil within us.
Incarnation of Satan’s creation of all that we're dread.
When the demons arrived, those alive would be better off dead!!

There must be something worth living for.
There must be something worth trying for.
Even something worth dying for.
For if one man can stand tall,
there must be hope for us all…..

Once there was a time when I believed without hesitation,
that the power of love and truth could conquer all,
in name off salvation.
Tell me, what kind of weapon is love when it comes to a fight?
How much protection is truth, against all Satan's might?

People loved you and trusted you,
came to you for help……

Didn't I warn them that this would happen?
Be on guard I said,
for the evil will never rest.
I said exorcise the Devil,
but no, they would not listen.
The demons inside grew and grew,
until Satan gave his signal.
Destroyed the World we knew…

No, Nate, oh no Nate!
There must be more to live.
There has to be a way,
that we can restore the life.
The love that we used to know,
and the light that we have lost….

Now darkness has descended on our land,
and all your prayers can not save us.
Like fools we let the Devil take command
of the souls that God gave us.
To the altar of evil like lambs, to the slaughter we are led.
When the demons arrive the survivors envy the dead….

-There must be something worth living for..
-No! There is nothing!!
-There must be something worth trying for..
-I do not believe it is so!

Forget about goodness and mercy – it is gone!
Didn't I warn them, pray, I said.
Destroy the Devil, I said.
But they would not listen.
I could have saved the World,
but now it's too late , TOO LATE…

A huge explosion, that made the house shiver in it’s foundation,
interrupted the conversation

Dear God a cylinder's hit the house,
and we are underneath it - in the pit….

dread = fruktar
descended = fallit
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30 jul 09 - 18:33
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