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Worlds Of War 5

Next day the dawn was a brilliant fiery red,
and I wandered through the weird and lurid landscape
of another planet.
For the vegetation which gives Mars
it's red appearance, had taken root on Earth.

As man had succumbed to the Martians,
so our land now succumbed to the red weed.
Where ever there was a stream, the red weed clung and grew
with frightening voraciousness apatite.
It's claw-like fronds, choking the movement of the water.

Then it starts to creep like a slimy red animal,
across the land covering fields, ditches, trees and hedgerows,
with living scarlet feelers, crawling, crawling…..

I suddenly noticed the body of a parson lying on the ground
in a churchyard.
I felt unable to leave him to the mercy of the red weed,
and decided to bury him decently….

A woman came out of the shadows and bent over the parson.
The parsons eyes flickered open , he was alive!!
Nathaniel I saw the church burst into flames.
Are you alright?

-Don't touch me!
-But it's me Beth, your wife!
-No, you are one of them, a Devil!

-He's Delirious!
-I saw the Devil's sign!
-What have you seen ?

The green flash in the sky.
His demons where here all along,
in our hearts and souls.
Just waiting for a sign from him,
and now they are destroying our world…

But they are not devils, they are Martians!

We must leave here.

Look! A house still standing!
Come Nate, quickly!

We took shelter in a cottage
and black smoke spread, hemming us in.
Then a fighting machine came across the field.
Spraying jets of steam that turned the black smoke
in to thick black dust.

Dear God,
help us!

The voice of the Devil is heard in our land…..

lurid = otäckt
succumbed = get upp
voraciousness = glupsk
fronds = fransigt blad
hedgerows = buskar
parson = kyrkoherde
hemming = omringade
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