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Worlds Of War 4

For three days I fought my way along roads packed with refugees
the homeless , burdened with boxes and bundles containing there
All that was of value to me, was in London.
But by the time I reached their little red brick house
Carrie and her father were gone.

“The summer sun is fading as the year grows old,
and darker days are drawing near.
The winter wind will be much cold,
now when you are not here..”

“I watched the birds fly south across the autumn sky.
One by one they disappear.
I wish that I could fly with them.
Like the sun trough the trees, you came to love me.
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away…”

“Through autumn's golden gown we used to kick away.
You always loved this time of year.
Those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now,
because you are not here!”

Fire suddenly leaped from house to house.
The population panicked and ran.
I was swept along with them,
aimless and lost without Carrie.
Finally I headed for the ocean
and my only hope of survival , a boat out of England.

As I hasted through Covent Garden , Blackfriars and Billingsgate,
more and more people joined the painful exodus.
Sad weary women and their children,
stumbling and streaked with tears.
Their men, bitter and angry…..
The rich rubbing shoulders with beggars and outcasts.
Dogs snarled and whined, the horses bits were covered with foam.
Here and there were wounded soldiers as helpless as the rest.
We saw tripods wading up the Thames cutting trough bridges
as though they were paper Waterloo bridge , Westminster bridge
one appeared above Big Ben…

Never before in the history of the world,
had such mass of human beings moved and suffered together.
This was no disciplined march, it was a stampede
without order and without a goal.

Six million people unarmed and un-provisioned driving forward.
It was the beginning of the road to the massacre of mankind.
A vast crowd buffeted me towards the already packed steamer.
I looked up enviously at those safe on board,
straight into the eyes of my beloved Carrie.

At sight of me, she began to fight her way along the packed deck,
to the gangplank- at that very moment it was raised.
I caught the last glimpse of her despairing face,
as the crowd swept me away from her….

The steamer began to move slowly away,
but on the horizon appeared the silhouette of a fighting machine.
Another came and another, striding over hills and trees,
pulling far out to sea and blocking the exit of the steamer.

Between them lay the silent gray ironclad "Thunder Child"
Slowly it moved towards shore.
Then with a deafening roar and whoosh of spray,
it swung about and drove at full speed towards the waiting Martians…

There were ships of all shapes and sizes.
Scattered out along the bay
and I thought I heard her calling.

As the steamer pulled away
the invaders must have seen them.
As across the coast they filed
standing firm between them
there lay "Thunder Child".

Moving swiftly through the waters,
cannons blazing as she came.
Brought a mighty metal warlord
crashing down in sheets of flame.

Thinking: Victory was near!
Thinking: Fortune must have smiled!
People started cheering
“Come on "Thunder Child"

The Martians released their black smoke,
but the ship sped on.
Cutting down one of the tripod figures.
Instantly the others raised there Heat Rays
and melted the Thunder Child's valiant heart

Lashing ropes and smashing timbers,
flashing Heat Ray hits the deck.
Dashing hopes for our deliverance,
as we watched the sinking wreck,
with the smoke of battle clearing.

Over graves in waves defiled
slowly disappearing.
Farewell "Thunder Child"….

When the smoke cleared, the little steamer
had reached the misty horizon and Carrie was safe.
But the "Thunder Child" had vanished forever,
taking with her mans last hope of victory.

The leaden sky was lit by green flashes.
Cylinder following cylinder, and no one and nothing,
was left now to fight them.
The Earth belonged to the Martians….

gown = klänning
aimless = planlöst
vast = väldig
valiant = tapper
defiled = förorenat
leaden = grå
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