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The goat 1

I am a simple goat
I live on the back of a pick-up truck
The Old Man tied me here with a rope
If I am happy? He don't give a fuck!
He's filled with anger, and filled with rage

Tells me: -I smell like piss!
He drink, Jimmy Bean
his chaser, a bear
after that, various alcohols
that's when the beatings get so severe..

Asleep I pray he falls
but don't feel sorry for me
things weren't always this bad.
Why, when I was a young talking goat
the Old Man was just like my dad

I come from the hills of Europe
that's where I met the Old Man
He was lost in the woods, I gave him directions
he gave me a tuna can

Then he stopped in his tracks
and he said: -Hey Goat!
Would you like to live with me?
I've got a house with a pick-up truck
in a place across the sea"
I said: -Sure, why not, I've got no family
you seem like a nice guy"

So we went off to America
the home of the apple pie.
On the boat, the Old Man told me
I would be a present for his wife
"A talking goat!" he exclaimed,
"She'd never seen this in her life"
I felt so special!

Well, I just couldn't believe it
after all theses years I finally had a friend.
He trimmed my beard
he scraped my hooves
I prayed it would never end

But when we got to his house
there was no wife
only a short, short letter.
It said: -I'm leaving you for your broher
because he loves me better"
His eyes filled with tears of sadness
his heart was filled with grief
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