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Övriga dikter

Words 5

Here is what I know:
Soon we all have to go
all must fade into...

You can't open the door if there is nobody home
they have been taken it all, so just leave me alone!

It is to you a shock
can't get blood from a rock

It is always worse at night
when darkness kills the light

Living inside my mind
who knows what things you will find..

Bring down the rain
because the house is on fire again

Shake up
break up
everybody make up

Trapped down
cracked down
everybody back down

Do not go to heaven
because it is really hell
and the truth is just a lie

The queen lays in the dark and cold
hear the story, how it is told

I pray to life end every day
while it is just slowely melts away

Dirty rags
and body bags
represent the business in hell
well, well

Noises in the night
people hiding from the light

We are either evil or devine
just creations of the mind

Something came to me in a dream
shot from a gun and a bloody scream

You are so pretty
but only one of all in the city

Look what I have found
the wheel goes around!

Now I do not have much more to tell
have filled up the well
it is time to bid you farewell
and creep back to hell.....
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