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"three words"

why cant i say does words?
Why is it so hard?
Its just three words.
I wont you to know how i feel,
but im afriad,afriad about what you would say
If you would laugh or if you maybe even feel the same
Why cant i spell it out?
how hard can it be, ive said it a billion times
in my dreams.
The main cause is that im afriad that you would
think that im stupid or something or
that you wouldnt feel the same.
No, i lied.. im not afriad, im terrified!
But at the same time, i cant stop thinking
"what if he feels the same, what if you
have the same problem as me..
that he doesnt have the courage to say whats on your mind"
But thats just me dreaming agian...
I cant just walk over to him and say that
every time i look at his cute little face,
my heart stops and that every time i
hear his voice, my head gets completely meltdown
and my heart goes from 0 to 500 in less then a second.
Or that when his phone rings and there´s no one
on the other end, its me trying to speak but is to afriad
or that i call sometime just to hear his voice one more
time before i go to bed, so i hopefully would dream about him.
its impossible, i cant tell him that!
he would think im crazy!
But i realy like him so should i take a chance and go for it?
Are the words " i love you" to strong to say this soon?
Am i going to scare him away?
Well... only one way to find out..
Iam going to tell him... And im absolutely going to pray for the right answer!
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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
simone93 - 21 jun 09 - 11:45
merci :)
angel_love - 21 jun 09 - 08:02- Betyg:
sjuuuk bra juh:O <33 =)
icus - 21 jun 09 - 07:18- Betyg:
Kanonbra dikt

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21 jun 09 - 07:13
(Har blivit läst 263 ggr.)
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