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TH Story (Engelska) Kap 2 av 3

I can't believe that I'm going to be touring with the guys. How much worse can my life be now? I look over my shoulder to see Bill holding his niece. He actually excepts Amiee as his part of the family. If only Tom would.
"Kamie, are you ready to go?" Jayme said with a smile.
I nodded with a fake smile and walked onto the bus. First day of hell begins, wonder what will happen.
I sit down on the couch and Bill hands Amiee back to me. I look into her brown eyes. They are just like Tom's. I look up to see Tom staring at me.
"Do you want to hold her?"
He simply nodded.
I handed Amiee to him and Amiee looked up into his eyes. The best thing I have ever since in my life. It was a father/daughter moment.
I look at the young child. 'She looks so much like me.' I saw the smile on her face as she tried to grab one of my dreads. I kissed her on the forehead and cradled her in my arms. Before I knew it she was fast asleep.
"Umm...Do you want me to put her in her car seat?" Kamie said with a smile.
The smile I haven't seen in years. I kind of missed it. I handed her back to Kamie and she put Amiee in her car seat. I look back at Kamie and all I could think about what happened that night.
Tom was 18 and Kamie was 16. It was the middle of the summer and they didn't have anything to do. It was thenight before Tom left for touring.
"Tomi, when your on tour do you ever think about anything?"
"Yeah, like if I sound and looked good at our last gig."
"Tom your so cocky."
"Yeah I know, that's why girls love me."
She let out a smile laugh and I couldn't help but feel the way I did. I always kind of liked her, but I didn't say much about it.
"Kamie, what do you think about me."
"Well I think that you are an awesome person, Tomi." She said with a smile.
I pulled Kamie close to me and gave her a small kiss. She pulled away in shock and I saw her face turn a bright red.
"Ummm...T-Tomi. W-What was that for?"
"Because I think I love you." I leaned back in and kissed her again. She didn't resist and kissed me back. Before we knew it I was laying on top of her. I was kissing her neck and she gave out a small moan.
"Tomi, do you have a condom?..."
She pushed me away quickly.
She looked me in the eyes and I could tell that she was worried.
"Don't worry Kamie, I'll pull out before I come."
"You promise?"
"Yes." I leaned back and we started right where we lefted off
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