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angel of punk (del 2)

I looked at my food and suddenly I didn't feel hungry anymore.
The day passed and I got company from Billie.
We walked out from school and talked.
"I hope you don't mind having me as your follower or something like that." I said.
Billie laughed. "No, I don't!"
We walked and talked.
"So, are you a punk?" I asked.
"Yeah, I am." Billie said. "And you look like one too." He said and looked at my clothes and at my hair.
"Yeah, I guess I am because I always say what I think and always want the message to reach it's target and such." I said.
Billie smiled. "Yeah, and it's nice to have someone like me around sometime."
We walked over to my house. I opend the door. "I'm home with a friend!" I said and walked up to my room.
Billie followed and smiled when he saw all the posters.
"My room is almost like yours but... a bit worse."
I laughed and sat down at a chair.
Billie was laying uppsidedown in my bed and made a funny face that made me laugh.
It got quiet for a couple of seconds and I looked at my phone.
I saw that Billie looked at me and then I looked at my desk instead.
"Well I need to go home now, so I don't piss mom off." Billie smiled and walked down to the front door.
He turned around and smiled. "Goodbye!"
I smiled back. "Goodbye.
I went back to my room and thought.
Was I inlove with Billie? I always went warm when I talked to him but it was probably just something my mind's made up, I already had a boyfriend. His name was Sebastian.
I shook my head to get rid of the wierd feeling but it refused to leave me.
I sat down at the bed and letted my finger play with the cover.
Soon the door opend and Ann came in. "Who was your friend?"
I shooked my head. "Just a friend, ok?"
Ann looked at me and then she walked out from the door.
I burried my head in the pillow. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! She hates him!"
Ann had a tendecy to unlike guys who looked odd, even if they where my closest friends.
I hated Ann so much! Why couldn't she just jump of a cliff and die or something!?"
I layed in bed and thought about my little problem.
How was I gonna make Ann and dad like Billie?
I think dad will like him but Ann will be a chalenge...
I walked down to the kitchen and took a glass of water.
Dad sat by the tv with Ann and watched some talkshow.
Before dad met Ann he had hated talkshows now he loves them.
Ann and dad started to kiss all of a sudden and I runned back to my room.
I fellt sick. How could he kiss that thing!
I desided to go to bed and hope for the best.
The phone called and I answerd.
- Hi! It's Sebastian!
- Hi.
- How's the new place then?
- Well it's okey I guess.
- Good just wanted to make sure that you're okay.
- Mm... Well I need to hung up , bye.
- Bye!
I throwed away the phone.
I have a big problem infront of me...

I woke up in the morning. It was weekend, thank god!
I walked up and eated a fast breakfast.
Dad came out from the bedroom. He looked like a compleet mess...
I rolled my eyes and sat by the tv just to find something to do.
Soon I couldn't stand the tv and walked outside.
My converse-dressed feets hited the ground over and over again when I walked down the street.
I walked down to the park and sat down.
"Hello there!" I heard a voice and Billie sat down.
"Hi!" I said.
"So, how's life?" He asked.
"Well, it have been better." I said.
Billie looked at me and smiled. "Allright, my life has been better too."
"Then were two about it." I said.
"Well, how about go to downtown and just hang out?" Billie asked.
I noded and walked with him to the downtown.
We walked up to a hat store and Billie tried one of the hats.
"Check this one out, Billie Joe the street style!" He laughed and puted the hat away.
I saw a pink hat with a bright red fether in it.
I tried it and posed. "I am the Mrs. perfect!"
Billie whistled. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" He smiled.
I laughed and puted the hat away.
We walked out to get ice cream.
We sat down at a table.
Billie took a bite from the ice cream and banged his head on the table. "Aah, brain freeze!"
I couldn't help myself from laughing a bit.
Billie looked at me and then he smiled.
I fellt that I blushed a bit so I looked away.
I saw that Billie smiled a bit at me.
"It's okey to blush when I'm around." He said.
I looked at him. "Is this some kind of new way to flirt or something?" I said.
"That depends on what you think." Billie said and smiled a crooked smile.
We ate the ice cream and went to his house.
I looked inside his room.
It was messy and he had posters covering his walls and in a corner there was a electric guitar.
"You play?" I asked and noded at the guitar.
"Yeah, I play it alot but my stepdad thinks that the music I like is shit." Billie said and sat down.
I sat down next to him.
I saw a picture of a little boy and a man on his desk.
"Is that you?" I said and pointed at the little brownhaired boy.
"Yeah and that's my dad." Billie said and pointed at the man. "He died six years ago when I was ten and the guitar I have is the one he gave on my fifth birthday with him." Billie said.
"Are you brow-haired?" I said.
Billie laughed. "Yeah, but I like to collor it from time to time."
"Allright." I said and laughed.
Billie walked up to the stereo and puted on a cd.
He started to play airguitar and then he laughed and turned it of.
He sat down next to me and then he looked me in the eyes and smiled.
I fellt all warm of the look he gave me.
His deeply emerald green eyes was very attractive and had a little sparkle in it.
I was about to speak when he puted his fingers against my lips to make me quiet.
Then he got a regrettfull face. "I'm sorry, how could I ever think that you would do it when you alreaddy have another guy I mean... god I'm stupid!" He said and looked at the floor.
I didn't know what to say it fellt so wierd.
My phone called and I picked it up.
- Hello?
- Hi, hun it's Sebastian.
- Hi. Yeah there was a thing I'd like to say...
- What?
I walked out from Billies room and talked.
- What where you going to say?
- Oh, yeah... Eeuumm, It's like this I don't know if I like you anymore.
- Yeah, you know...
God I was bad at this! I thought. I should have practised before or something! This is just emberassing!
- "What?" I heard Sebastians voice.
I took a deep breath.
-What? Could you take it a bit more slower? I didn't really catch that.
Okey, now it was emberassing! I thought and hited my head.
- I break up with you.
- What!?
- Yeah you heard it.
- But, why?
-Personall reasons.
I hung up and held my head.
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