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Titanic the ship of dreams 1-2 /14

Kap 1 del 1 morning.
It was a great morning and mr Jacob Astor was a rich man who lives in Southampton in England. Aaaaahhh.... Oh am late i really need to go he toock his ticket and did go . Now you wonder what his late to im gonna show you: Av: Kevin Johansson. Ide av: Kevin Johansson. Presenteras av: Kevin Johansson. Titanic The Ship Of Dreams.

Kap 2 Titanic.
Now he is there. The tick-man took his ticket and he was getting in. On the way he was finding his friend James and he said:- i was worried that you wouldent come. Dont worry im always find a way to come in right time. Titanic was steaming west with only ocean around her. Kapten E.J Smith was taking the Titanic to 21 knots. Jacob and James was going to the stern and talk. What do you want to do when you comes to New York ? James said . I dont now . how about you then. I want to get girl and get child. OK . They was going to the smoking room and have an brandy together. Jacop was getting to his room and sleept and james was getting to he´s room and sleept.
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