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My Shiny Bright Sunshine

My Shiny Bright Sunshine..
It's exactly what you are

There is nothing else
that I could call
~Bright sunshine~

Do you know sweetheart?
Nothing can beat you
nothing can be stronger
than you

I don't need to see after
to know that I'm right
I just know it.. I just know it

I know that hard times falling over you daily
as sharp falling stars..
But I gonna wish for better days
just for you

One thing I can not figure out..
It's what a princess like you are doing here
in our dark world?

For you belong in the fabled world
as spelled rainbow and happy endings

In my eyes, you are the beautiful princess
in the fabled wold
and you are so beautiful,
so it's hurts

It's so difficult to see you in this dark world
when I know that you don't belong here
it's in the fabled world
there u belong
there you should be
sweert heart

if I had never told you that I love you
I do it now, to be sure
that you have heard
the three words

I love you..


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YourRomance - 15 apr 09 - 19:20- Betyg:
Aimee... <333
fin dikt älsk
Suspicious - 13 apr 09 - 15:10
Underbar, lite felstavningar och särskrivningar men mycket fin.<3

Skriven av
12 apr 09 - 20:53
(Har blivit läst 227 ggr.)
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