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One Moment In Time- bidrag till na. provet

I didn’t quite notice David before I could smell his expensive man-cologne from a good distance. I started gathering all of my books and forced myself to stand up so that I wouldn’t have to confront him. It had already been a pretty bad day and there was no reason for me to make it worse. The loud tapping of his expensive shoes made me hurry, in hopes that I didn’t have to run in to him. Not today, not after all I’d been through. Suddenly there was a loud bang and all of the students that had been inside the study-room, turned their heads towards the sound.

My heartrate quickened as I realized what had happened. A man was standing at the center of the room. He was holding a big gun and his face was turned into a gleeful smile. He opened his mouth to say something. And during a split second I almost thought he’d looked at me. Instead his eyes turned to David that had been standing next to me, ready to say everything that I’d dreaded for a couple of seconds ago.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” The man looked at Davids expensive suite and then at me.
His eyes were unnerving.
“Is this you’re girlfriend?” He asked and pointed the gun at me.
“You’re pretty ugly...Are you aware of that little girl? Ugly I tell yah!” He gave a hushed laughter before focusing at us again.
My face reddend. How could he say something like that?
Suddenly the man gave a loud yawn while pointing the gun at me. I freezed.
“How about meeting the man upstairs? Give him some love from me.”
He louded the gun and laughed bitterly. My heart was thumping so hard I barely even recognized the man that was suddenly standing infront of me when the gun gave a loud bang.
I stared unfocused at the person that fell to the ground. It took a long time for me to recognize him.
“David!” I screamed and landed beside the body.
Red blood was pumping out of his wound.
“I’m so sorry, Linda” He said and gave a weak smile.
“I never intended to hurt you that day...” His breathings were pained.
I sobbed when I understood the meaning of his words. He was apologising for a deed I’d forgotten a long time ago. He was dying and he still was apologising for kissing Sarah for almost four years ago.
“It doesn’t matter- I forgive you. Oh, David, I forgive you!”
He gave a little nod and closed his eyes.
“I love you” He muttered before silenced forever.

“Is everybody alright!” The sound of the polices voices woke me up.
I forced myself to look away from the body lying infront of me.
“No,” I said.
“There has been a murder!”
I barely saw the people that had started to gather around me. I was only aware of my own breathing and the tears that was rushing down my chins.
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