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The sweet far thing- Part 1

”Where have you been?” Felicity whispered when I sat next to her during vespers.
There was a slightest hint of worry in her voice. I didn’t answer her. Instead I listened carefully to what the news had been lately- the gossip was whispered about, and the church was filled with small talks. Everyone was curious- including me.
“Silence!” The headmistress voice beamed and made an innoying clinging sound fill our ears.
My eyes stared unfocused at her for a moment and then I was distracted by the light.
Suddenly a man was stading in front of the teacher. His golden hair was so fair and hypnotic and I instantly felt dizzy. I was in a daze and didn’t realize that the world had turned black before my eyes when I suddenly fainted.

“Gemma, Gemma!” I woke up hearing my name being repeated over and over again.
My eyes hurt when I opened them and I almost got blind by the sharpness of the light. Suddenly all my memories started rushing through my mind and I moaned in pain. I hated feeling so hung over after I’d fainted.
Felicity and Anne were hovering over me and in there midst was Katrik. His alluring dark eyes were pitch black, his teeth were clenched and he was holding his hands in fists.
“Felicity and Anne, may I speak to Gemma alone?” His politeness was only a facade, I’d soon see his true feelings.
Both of my friends hurried out of my room and gave a loud bang when they closed the door. Katrik started pacing back and forth- his arms behind his back.
“So...?” He suddenly said and turned himself toward me.
“What have you been doing?”
I didn’t answer him. Instead I looked down- facing my bare knees.
I hated these situations when I had to tell him about the realms. Or more specific: why I fainted?
“I don’t have to answer you!” I said and buried my face in my hands. The sobs were faint but still hearable.
It didn’t take long before I felt the warmness of Katriks chest when he pulled himself close to me. His fingers slid through my soft hair and I moaned, both in pain and delightness.
“I love you.” He whispered in my ear.
“You know that.”
I smiled through tears and lay my arms around his neck. The softness of his lips drowned the fears I’d had. But even though I felt a sensational safety- there was yet again a throbbing feeling of both pain and uncertainty that eluded my mind.
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