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after the carcrash, 21 june 2001 - oneshot

and when her eyes opened for the first time on 3 years. The carcrash in October 1998, in the red car, she and the husband on the way home from the party. Actually there owns.
Sunday 21th of June in the church full of people who were there for them. Just because they were get married.
the words reverberate in Kates head,
- Yes I will.
and then just boom, crash, pang.

they heard the sounds from ambulance.

before the crash.
so full of happiness and they could shout out how much they wanted, to the whole world if they wanted.
-husband and wife.
cause it wasn’t lies any more, it was truth everywhere.
so full of happiness, so full of hope.
to be with each other for the rest of their life’s, to share everything with each other.
just Kate and Jim.
no one else, just them.
so full of love, so full happy tears. It couldn’t be better. To spend the honeymoon at their place, their apartment that they bought together, the apartment they would live in together.
so full of everything, so busy.

the red car slide from one side to another, straight into a road sign. Polices tried to get them out, tried to save both of them.
in ambulance to the hospital, all thoughts on Jim. It didn’t matter if she, Kate didn’t survived, just he did. The man that she shared all secrets with, just he could survive, just he could stay alive.

day to day,
in a sickbed with a machine that helped her to stay alive, to breath.
and a needle into her arm, to keep her from starve.

she woke up,
3 years after the crash, 21th June 2001.
full of questions,

the nurse came in,
kate took a deep breath,
- were is Jim?

and she didn’t get any answer, the nurse just leaved, but the doctor came in.
Kate remembered his face, from the operation.

The doctor took a breath and said;
- he died.

full of sadness, full of hate why god took him, and not her, full of tears, full of madness,
but still so empty.

första gången jag skriver en engelsk.
säkert en massa gramatikfel,

släng hit en kommentar kanske,
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Kommentarer - (Snittbetyg: 5)
inramadpoet - 14 mar 09 - 10:26- Betyg:
den var bra. känslosam.
and my shööna duck,
you are good at
english darling, <3
jojjah - 6 mar 09 - 16:48
den va bra :)

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5 mar 09 - 19:29
(Har blivit läst 66 ggr.)
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