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Love is

The sun is rising. It’s still dark outside and the streetlight is still on.
He rests his head against a tree as he read his favorite part of the book again:
Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs;
Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;
Being vex'd a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears:
What is it else? a madness most discreet,
A choking gall and a preserving sweet.
From Romeo and Juliet.
Suddenly somebody turns on the light in one of the rooms in the high building.
He lay down his book and looks up to the window.
There she is, the love of his life.

She turn on the light and looks out of the window to watch at the sunrise.
And on the ground by the tree he sits, on the same place as he had sit for three days now.
She was to shy to talk to him, everyday she have sneaked out the backdoor.
It all started when she moved to Halmstad and started a new school.
The first time she saw him she understood that he was the one for her.

He had heard it have came a new student at the school, and he got curious.
He went to the other classroom and looked into the window. And there she was,
in his eyes she was shining “an angle” he thought.
And he knew that she was his soul mate. They stood a while and just stared on etch other.
He couldn’t move it was he was attach to the floor, they were in trance. They were in love.
That’s how it all started.

She stood by the window and looked into his eyes. “Today I have to talk to him”.
She went down the stairs down to the front gate. When she opened the door he was standing up.
She was unable to move, she just studied the boy in front of her.
His black clothes, his blue hair and his mysterious blue/green eyes.
She tried to say something but nothing came, she couldn’t move her mouth.
“Hello” his mouth moved very slowly as I said it.
And after that they were inseparable, they were together every day.
He read quotes from Romeo and Juliet for her, like this one:
Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet,
And I am proof against their enmity.

The time went by and they were so happy, but after I while she stayed home more and more.
After a time she didn’t come out from her apartment, and she refused to see him.
So he waited outside the building like he has done so many times before.
He started so skip school and stop eating; all he did was waiting for her to come out.

She sits in the waiting room at the hospital. The doctor comes out and shows them to his office.
He takes a chair and gives it to her, and she sits down. “Am afraid it’s a tumor.
It have gone too far, there’s nothing we can do, I’m sorry” he said it with a tone like he doesn’t care, like it’s just another case.
”How long have I left?” she asks with cry in her throat. “A couple of weeks”. She went home, and got in through the back door.
She lies down on her bed and stays there for days, she refuse to eat, refuse to speak.

Her parents had told him the news, about the tumor.
He had stop count days after a while.
But it must have been more than a week she came down the stairs, all pale in the face, thin like she had anorexia.
“Do you still love me, even if I look like this?” she said, with a low voice.
He took her hand and kissed her softly. They walked around all day and just talked,
he was so happy that they were together again that he didn’t hear what she really said.
“I can’t have it like this, it’s not me anymore” he listened but he didn’t understood what she said.
They walked to the train station and suddenly she stops, just be the edge and a train was coming.
“I can’t do this, I love you, I always have. Don’t fallow me please, you have a choice, I don’t.” she gave him a kiss.
Suddenly he realized what she was saying, but it was already too late, she was gone. People were screaming around him.
He just stood there with tears in his eyes. Stood there waiting for the next train to come.

Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs;
Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes;
Being vex'd a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears:
What is it else? a madness most discreet,
A choking gall and a preserving sweet.
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