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Scars Dude [del 1]

Här kommer en novell för alla er som fick godkänt i engelska i år. :3 Hoppas ni gillar den [Om ni i orkar läsa allt.. x3] & glöm inte bort att komentera! Jag förväntar mig en massa ärliga komentarer att luta mig mot.

The night had already fallen around me and my only light sources, was an old lamp post, who not really made a very good job lightening the playground up. Not that It bothered me; I could see every little grain of sand below me anyway.
And that was exactly what I was doing – counting grains of sand as I sat in one of the playground’s swings. It wasn’t really the funnies thing in the world, but at least my mind was distracted for a while, which had been my point in the very beginning.
As I sat there and counted loudly in my head, I heard a car driving by on the empty road a few yards in front of me. At first I didn’t even bother locking up, but then I could hear that the car stopped and someone stepped out and shut the door.
My head snapped up and I saw the car as well as the uniformed man that had stepped out. My heart started beating faster and I struggled to hold my breathing even. I hoped that the hood over my head and the distant would make it hard to recognize me.
“Hey! Is everything alright?” the policeman called and I guessed this was the quiet night’s most interesting happening.
But I certainly didn’t want to stay and chat with him, so I got up on my feet and walked away from him. I could only hope he wouldn’t follow me. Although, at this point I probably should have known that ‘luck’ had a tendency to avoid me.
“Hey… Hey!” he called after me and I could hear that he started walking towards me.
And my brain told my legs to run of course. Bad idea; I was exhausted and now he would probably think that I was some dangerous serial killer or something since I ran away.
But I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t let him see me. So I ran faster and tried to keep my head clear enough to get away from the man who now ran after me.
I didn’t knew where I was running, I just wanted to get rid of my stalker. But it was obvious he wouldn’t quit so easily ether. He was probably thinking that when someone runs away from the police, he’s anything but innocent…
I rounded a corner and got in to a fancy avenue with well-cared houses and gardens on each side of the road in the middle. It wasn’t the avenue I was hoping for though. Even the police, with his weak, worsen eyesight would see me now. There was no place to hide, unless…
I cut off my thoughts and stopped short in front of one of the houses. I stared at the yellow house with white corners and beautiful flowers in straight lines underneath the windows on the front side of the house. Although it looked like they hadn’t been cared for a while. And so there was the black BMW parked on the driveway. I couldn’t believe it - this was the house I’d helped my dad to repaint a few summers ago; the house I always will call ‘home’; the house I grew up in. For the last two years, this was the place I’d been dreaming of, but avoiding for the last three days.
A single, warm tear found its way down my cheek when I thought about it. But then something hit me with full power – it felt like I was tackled by a rugby player. And even if I could be compared with one myself, I wasn’t ready and I lost my balance and we both fell to the ground. I moaned loudly and shut my eyes when we hit the asphalt-covered side walk. I had totally forgotten the policeman…
He seemed to recover fairly quickly though and put a knee on my back so that I couldn’t get up. I sighed quietly and rested my head on the hard ground as he wrenched my arms backwards and held them in an iron grip on my back.
“Why did you run away from me?” he asked with cold voice. “I didn’t suspect you for anything…” I didn’t answer him, most likely because I didn’t even know the answer myself.
Then I heard a car coming closer and closer and when it stopped beside us on the street I assumed it was the policeman’s companion who came with the police car.
The officer helped me roughly to get up on my feet again then he released his grip on my hands and at the same time pushing me lightly toward the car.
“Put your hands on the vehicle”, he said as his partner stepped out of the car.
I hesitated for a second but did what I’d been told. The officer pulled the hood back and checked my empty pockets. I felt really uncomfortable and looked down at my feet al the time.
“He’s clear”, the officer announced. “Now, are you going to tell me why you ran away?” he continued with hart voice. I swallowed the big clump in my throat and raised my head slowly. At first I looked at my dirty hands, then I looked up at the man on the other side of the car.
“What’s your name, kiddo?” he asked. His voice was much softer and he seemed to be around fifty. He had a beer belly and looked like a typical police officer.
But should I tell him the truth? A lie would be so much easier, but it would probably cause me a lot more trouble. I hesitated for a short moment but decided to go with the truth…
“Jay…” I didn’t recognize my voice; it was hoarse but still kind of soft in one way. “Jay Chatwin”, I clarified with low voice. I looked right into his eyes when I said it and I could almost hear the bell ringing in his head.
“The Chatwin boy?” he murmured. The surprise and confusion in his voice was hard to miss.
I nodded lightly.
“Are you serious?” the other officer, behind me, asked. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him. I hadn’t really seen him before, but now I saw that he really did look like a rugby player. He was definitely a lot younger than his partner and his big, muscled arms told me that he probably spend a lot of free time at the gym. I also noticed that even if he had to be around 1.85, I could still look right into his eyes without lifting mine at al.
The officers critical gaze studied me, probably to see if he could find any equalities to the picture in his head.
Their reaction was pretty much as I’d expected; I’d seen notes all over the town with pictures of me, begging the people to call if they’d seen anything that could be helpful. I guess nobody had…
“It really is you, isn’t it?” he finely said with a crocked smile. “This is incredible. Do you realize how much time we’d spent to find you?”
Not enough, obviously… I thought crabbily.
“Come on, we’ll drive you to the police station and call your parents from there”, the police with the beer belly said.
“But, err… I live here”, I said and pointed with my thumb at the house.
They both turned their heads to look at the house I’d pointed out. It was obvious it wasn’t these two who had been responsible for the ‘Chatwin-case’. If there now were a such case…
It was the beer belly-cop that spoke first. “Oh… Alright then, well I guess you’re very tired so we’re not going to bother you any more tonight”, he said with a short smile.
I nodded slowly and wondered what time tomorrow they would come again. He must have seen that I hesitated because his smile disappeared and he got something sad in his eyes.
“You want me to…?” he said but I cut him off.
“No!”, I said, maybe a little too fast. “I mean, it’s fine. I’ll be fine.” I sighed at myself in my head.
“Ok… If you say so”
I nodded again and walked toward the house. I heard them get into the car but they didn’t drive away. I guessed they wanted to make sure I got in…
I walked up the few stairs up to the door and wondered what I should do now. It was locked, of course, and I didn’t have a key so I had to knock. Obviously. It just felt really weird. I took a deep breath, avoided to take a look over my shoulder and knocked shortly at the door. I waited for a while and delivered my chances of running again. And just when I got ready to do just that, I heard footsteps from inside and I almost started hyperventilate but I forced it down with another deep breath as someone locked up the door and opened it. The same second the police car drove away.
For a short moment I just stared into my father’s dark eyes, worried that he of all people wouldn’t recognize me. But then his mouth turned into a small, confused smile.
“Jay?” he whispered.
I couldn’t help the tear that once again rolled down my cheek. Had I turned soft lately? But dad seemed to take it as a confession of his question and the next second he had his arms wrapped around me in a comforting hug. I felt really small and helpless in his arms. When he finally let go of me again I saw that his face was wet with tears. He wiped them off with the backside of his hand and smiled at me. I forced myself to smile back, but it was so weak I’m not sure he bought it. But even if he didn’t, he didn’t show it and he backed into the house again, holding the door for me. I stepped in and tried to take in the overwhelming feeling that filled me.
My memory of the house was weaker that I’d thought, even though it was ‘only’ two years ago I’d lived a normal life here.
I remembered the four-square hall with beige wallpaper that turned into a wide corridor, who lead to the kitchen and the dining-room. And under the big, turned staircase there was a small bathroom. But it was much brighter than my memories – although, that could have something to do with my vision who had become around a hundred times better than before - and I couldn’t remember so many paintings and photographs on the walls. My eyes flew over the room and I sucked in all the details so that I wouldn’t forget them again.
“I can’t believe you’re back…” Derek suddenly murmured and broke off my thoughts. “Amber and the twins will be over the moon when they find out you’re back”, he said with a big grin.
“Um… I’m really tired right now, and I don’t want to wake them up or anything. Don’t you think we can do that in the morning?” I asked. I was still weird to know this voice belonged to me. “I mean, it’s in the middle of the night.” Honestly, I just wanted some more time to get ready for the meeting.
He considered that for a few seconds but then he nodded. “I guess you’re right. But it’s going to be one hell of a surprise!” he said and chuckled.
I tried to laugh as well, but this time I failed, hard, and I made it sound like I cleared my throat instead, to cover it up.
“Are you hungry or something? I can…” he began but I cut him off.
“No, It’s fine”, I said even though my stomach practically screamed for food. “I really just want to go to bed.”
“Oh, ok. Of course, we’ll have plenty of time to talk later”, he said with a warm smile that made me feel ill at ease.
I nodded slowly and followed dad as he walked up the stairs and when he got to the door that lead to my room he stopped and opened it for me.
“We haven’t touched it…”, he murmured.
I nodded again and stepped into the room that I’d called ‘mine’ for so many years. It felt wrong now…
“Well, good night then. It looks like you want to be alone”, he said with a crocked smile. I turned my head at him and smiled shortly. Then he disappeared and I closed the door gently after him.
As he’d said, it was just as I left it - the hideous, yellow wallpaper I’d hidden under hundreds of posters; the desk, full with drawings, delayed school projects and the old-fashioned computer; the big bed with a sleeping Garfield on the sleeping sheet. And I don’t even like Garfield.
I walked across the room and sat down on the soft bed. I really was tired, and I hopefully wouldn’t get any problem falling asleep. If I just let myself do it…
I pulled the hooded sweatshirt over my head and let it fall to the floor. Then I hesitated for a few seconds but then pulled the t-shirt and the jeans off as well before I quickly crawled in under the sheets. It was hard not to relax in the soft, comfortable bed and I fell asleep before I had time to fill my head with distracting thoughts.
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jättebra. Kul att du skriver på engelska =)

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