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Sam had just opened her eyes and begun to watch her husband in his sleep, when she herd a weak knock on the door.
- Yes what is it sweet heart?
- Mom can I sleep in your bed? I just had a nightmare!
- Yes you can but you have to remember that your little brother is sleeping just above you.
Sam felt so lucky. She got married when she was 18 and before the age of 28 Sam already had 4 kids. The twins Jack and Annie came first and were already 8 years old. Her daughter Alice was 4 years old and her youngest son James Jr was only 3 months old. But it hadn’t always been like this…

When Sam was 16 she moved to London from New York. When she had lived in England for about a month she met David and she fell in love with him at once. And nobody blamed her, because he was the coolest guy in school.
But if she had known what he did after and some times in school she hadn’t even looked at him. But she didn’t know and when she finally did it was too late, she loved him too much. Sam could still remember everything that happened the first time he introduced drugs to her life. Sam and her new friend Anna were at a party at David’s house when David walked up to them and asked them if they wanted to go somewhere more private. They went up to David’s bedroom and he asked them to sit down on his bed and wait. He walked out the door and came back a few minute’s later whit a medicine can. He asked them if they wanted to make this party a little more fun and took out a pink pill with a smiley face on and gave it to Sam.
Sam just looked at it and then she asked what it was. David just looked at her and told her.
- Its just ecstasy! It won’t hurt you...
Sam swallowed the pill.

The next day Sam woke up on her bed. She felt very tired and depressed. After a few minutes Sam heard her mom open the door.
Her mom asked what time she got in last night. Sam just looked at her mom and then she asked her to leave the room. When her mom had closed the door Sam looked up and saw her reflection in the mirror. She was deeply shocked. The girl that looked back at her wasn’t her. Sam’s always perfect blond hair was dirty and messy and she had dark circles under her eyes. Sam started to brush her hair and putting on some make up. When she got down stairs her mom and dad were having breakfast. He looked at her and smiled.
- Did you have fun last night?
- Yes!
Sam drank a glass of juice and rushed out the door. She needed more, she had to find David. When Sam got to David’s house she found him lying on his bed reading.
- David please I need more, I’m so tired!
- Ooh hi Sam! You know what I have some thing better.
David walked in to the bathroom and came out with an amphetamine injection.

2 years later
Sam parents kicked her out of the house for about a year a go, after her mother found pinpricks on her elbow, her mom just lost it and started to pack her bag with all her clothes. She started to work at a strip club the same day. She hated taking her clothes of in front of strangers, but she needed money for her drugs. After work David always waited for her outside the club. She didn’t even like him anymore. But he was the only one that she had in the world. She did everything he asked her to.
But one day Sam had had enough, she couldn’t take his shit anymore. She left his apartment and called him on the way to the motel.

- Hi David… I’m sorry but I don’t love you any more, I’m leaving you! I hope you have a nice life. Bye

She spent the next 4 days trying to get clean. But she couldn’t. The next day she met her dealer on a club. He dragged her in to the bath room and tried to rape her, but she started to scream. A man opened the door and hit her attacker in the face. He fainted and Sam looked at her saver with tears in her eyes. She walked out to him and hugged him.
- Thank you so much!
- What’s your name?
- Sam…
- I’m James.
- Hi James.
They started dating the next day and a week later she started to go on NA
(Narcotics Anonymous) meetings. At the day of Sam and James’s wedding she had been clean for two months.


Sam walked into the kitchen; she had to make breakfast for her family. She started to think about her mom and dad. She hadn’t seen them since the day they threw her out on the street. They didn’t even know that she had a family or that she was alive. But Sam didn’t even care anymore. She has a great family and a wonderful husband. Her life was perfect.

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