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I Want you to scream

Okay, warnings!! Känsliga läsare varnas, eftersom den inte är så jätte behaglig kanske
I had a strange moment writing this one *shudders*
Du har blivit varnad så klaga inte. Arrigato, now go ahead

(uuuugh, när den andra personen pratar ska det vara 'italics' ... orkar inte göra om det med html, so I'll let it be)

“I want you to scream!” Angry and frustrated, gritted through his teeth, barely hear able, his nostrils flaring slightly along with his heavy breathing. He clenched his fists over and over.
“I SAID SCREAM!” using all his strength in his voice and at the same time swinging his right fist with all his might. Hitting his target right on, a strong shattering noise overpowered his voice.
The glass clattered to the floor faster than the blood dripped onto the shards.
He was still breathing heavily but through his mouth now. He was steadying himself with his left hand on the wall, his right hand hanging limp in front of him. His body was still quivering from the adrenaline rush.
“Is this your way of trying to get rid of me? Wanting to make me scream? Making yourself scream alongside your stupid efforts. You don’t seem to understand that I am you.”
His head hit the wall with a low thud, closing his eyes.
“Humph, this is really pathetic” you could hear the smile in his voice “but at the same time it is so fun to watch. So which conclusion are you grasping? ‘I’m insane’, ‘this is not real’ or, my favourite, ‘I can’t do this anymore’.” The voice was sly and could easily make you do something outside your thinking range. It had a rough tone but something sickenly sweet was thinly wrapped around it. The voice of an appealer and your worst nightmare mixed together.
There was always a smile wrapped around each word.
“James, my friend...no, my soul mate, this is not a hard thing to try to decide.” That hear able smile was still there, almost turning into a snicker.
“Either you keep living with me or” he was actually starting to giggle now “you just kill yourself” the last part he stuttered out between laughter.
James sank down the wall, his left hand curled into a tight ball. He sat on his knees, his head still resting against the wall.
“James, James. Why don’t you just stop this now when you, yourself can do it by your own hands!?”
James right hand, which knuckles were full of little pieces of reflectble glass, started shaking slowly. He lifted his head of the wall, eyes empty of life but full of tears and fears.
The provoking voice ‘tsked’ multiple times and the faint sound, that didn’t exist, of him moving his head from side to side disapprovingly, but still with an imaginable smile on his lips.
“Oh James, how did it come to this?” he loved this kind of game, it could be heard from miles away in his voice, and he intended to drag it out as long as possible.
The voice gasped in fake surprise “I know” he said as if indicating with his finger in the air that he got an idea. “It was when she left you, right here, in this apartment…” he sniffed loudly “ it’s almost as if I can still smell her perfume” all this he said with a higher pitch to his voice, as if was talking to a stupid child that he was trying to teach something.
The tears fell faster than the blood, but only because the blood was coagulating.
His lips were quivering. He wanted to speak, defend himself. He knew he should… but for what cause?
“James.” The voice changed now, flipping to stern “End this… Now!” he growled out the last sentence, the growl lasting deep in his throat after he spoke.
James blinked twice, tears falling in a bundle from his eyes. His fingers searched blindly on the floor as he wasn’t looking at anything, just space.
As his fingers grasped one of the bigger shards off of the floor, he lifted it up to his face, to his eyes. But he still weren’t looking.
The few droplets of blood that had fallen on the shard stayed firm, they had dried some time ago.
Inching the glass to his wrist first, but he stopped half way.
“What are you waiting for James? You’re not going to take your life through your wrist are you? You do know how that went last time. You couldn’t do it properly. Go for the neck, the jugular vein” he was calmer now, restraining himself. The game was soon over.
James started to go for the wrists again, putting the sharper edge on his left wrist. He stayed like that, seconds.
He quickly lifted the mirror piece from his wrist and it was at his throat in a few seconds.
He pressed the shard hard against his throat, the pointy edge lightly touching his ear.
The shard went from his left side to the right in one quick soundless motion.
The blood came in floods, waves, in time with James heartbeat that quickened with the pain.
James leaned his head backwards, giving the blood a greater flow, quickening his death.
“Mm, James, the time has come when I leave you. I say goodbye here.” The sickening smile was stile wrapped around his words, but he sounded almost a little sad.
“You were truly great, the best I’ve ever had. But now I’m going to find myself a new soul mate” he snickered slightly; he knew James was hearing every word he said, how much pain he was causing him even on his death bed.
“Goodbye James, you really are one pathetic son of a bitch.”
James chocked on the blood in his throat, coughing violently, air getting caught in his windpipe. Re-hearing those words were more painful than the big gash in his throat.
The word ‘pathetic’ echoed in his mind as he slipped into unconsciousness and death.
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