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Never Think

His voice, slightly higher than usual, was wafting through the air pinning the notes right down to the floor.
His fingers plucking the strings on the guitar like he wasn’t made for anything else.
The only thing I could see was him. With a mesmerized look upon my face, I couldn’t care the slightest when my friend was elbowing my side, trying to tell me something.
My heartbeat was racing; I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… hearing.

I wanted to compliment him. Cowardice is all that I’m made of.
He, being made of different notes, bravery and funniness even I couldn’t describe, even with the words I use for explaining.
But in that moment I just couldn’t find any words to explain myself.
I just fell to the floor, his notes from both guitar and voice pinning me down, Hard.

Not until the song stopped, I came back.
My head got clear, and I could rise from the dirty floor.
Dust off my clothes and go back to as if nothing had happened.
But the fall hurt, and this feeling is remembered with every fibre of my body.
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