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Dikter om sorg

hit and fall

oh how I miss the sound
and how I miss the touch
so I miss the living in life
and everything as such

through empty halls
and things you can't see
I follow the darkness
right home to me

sixteen thunderstorms
and all are for you
I hate what you have done
and what you can do

there's people who care
and there's some who don't
I can't see you do these things
or more precis, I won't

things brings me down
I hit the ground and loose it all
why do I bother to rise again
if just do be able to fall
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QuIzTiD - 14 nov 15 - 23:16- Betyg:
Mycket bra.

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12 jan 09 - 22:53
(Har blivit läst 116 ggr.)
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