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Övriga dikter

demon<3 (heart)..*-

I'm a filthy little demon,
born in the sun
But the angels who lived there
betraded me and made me leave..
Their kindness were not real,
and in their eyes the Devil himself
was dancing with their weak souls

I came to a place where no one
could hear my raspy screams,
and if they did,
they didn't care about it anyway

I've got the darkest shadow
you will ever see
And I got the softest lips,
that whispers 'liar' in the night,
that you will taste..
I will avulse your head
from your body and paint
the whole world with your blood

How does it feel,
you little liar?

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luft - 3 jan 09 - 03:16
finns här
hjärtat lilla

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2 jan 09 - 20:20
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