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a 'horror' story

hittade nyss denna på datorn och om jag minns rätt var det en engelskauppgift jag hade förra året. well, det är nog ganska mycket språkfel osv men jag orkade inte gå igenom den så njut av den som den är bara och lämna gärna en kommentar :)
(tja..försök njuta, har en känsla av att kvaliten är KASS. hehehehe) '
god juul ! :)

A horror story

Once upon a time there was a little girl walking trough the park. It was just after the sunset and the darkness has just begun to rise. The fog was still just lying at the ground but there would not be long before it reached all up to her knees and covered everything around her. She has taken the way though the park as a shortcut on the way to the store to buy some papers to her mother.
When she began to walk in the park she didn’t thought that it would take more than five minutes. Somewhere along the way she although must have taken the wrong way because it had taken far more than just five minutes.

Then she suddenly heard a noise from behind. It sounded like a twig that cracked and she quickly turned around to see if there was anyone there. Nothing. Persuading herself that it was just an imagination she began to walk faster.
Just a few seconds later the same noise sounded again, but it was closer this time. The sound of footsteps came closer and closer for every second that passed. The girl began to run and so did the owner of the steps.
She felt the branches from the threes reaching after her when she ran and started to panic. Suddenly she felt something around her wrist and felled. Laying on the ground she heard the footsteps come closer and closer. All she could do was lie there and wait. Just by the time she thought it all was over she felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a voice speaking to her.
”Are you allright?”
She lifted her head from the ground and looked up into the face of the speaker. She had expected a horribly look and a terrible breath but what met her was the complete opposite.
“Mum, what are you doing here!?”
“I thought it would be good to follow you to the store. I don’t like when you are walking alone at night. There are so many creepy people out around this time..”
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