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Taste of Chaos pt. 3 (:

“Yay! Airport!” Matthew smiled broadly. “Oh, airport food! And tax-free shopping!”
“Calm down Matt, the fact that they let you on the plane is one thing. Let’s not push it as we’re trying to get off.” Nathan looked at his brother, shaking his head, his identical face wearing an identical smile.

Amazingly, however, the attendants neither stopped nor gave Matthew Leone a second glance as the band left the plane, even if the bassist was basically running.

“Where are we going now?” Matt asked excitedly, jumping around the terminal.
“Baggage claim” Mateo smiled at Dan, knowing what was going to happen.
“Brilliant. C’mon, Theo. I’ll race you.” And the bassist took off, his best friends watching him go, Dan laughing his ass off.
“Go on, Mateo. You’d better hurry.” Nathan looked at him pointedly.
“What, I’m not going after him, if that’s what you mean…”
“Mat --“ Dan began, gasping for breath.
“Alright, alright.” Dashing after Matt, who had fallen over, the guitarist quickly took the lead.

“How much did he have to drink?” Dan asked Nathan as Matt tripped on absolutely nothing.
“He might’ve had a latte a couple of hours ago?” Nate answered, as Dan roared with laughter again.
“Oh, fuck. I love that dude.” Dan gasped out, then froze as the singer did. “But don’t tell him that.”
“Oh, I’m so telling him.” Nate grinned as he started going after his brother, laughing.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Dan took off after both of the Leone brothers, quickly passing the oldest one and knocking the youngest to the floor as Nate was shouting: “Hey, Matt. Matt!” Guess what?!”

They were all later escorted off the property by airport security.


“Marvellous, Timmy, simply marvellous.” Tomo draped the bassist’s shoulder with his arm and smiled broadly.
“Um,” Shannon went, putting down his bag next to the two men “are we looking at the same thing here, dude?”

Shannon looked out over the gigantic parking lot already filled with busses and tents. It was already growing dark, the February cold strong in the air.

“What, don’t you just love it, Shan-y?” the guitarist moved over to Shannon’s side, his arm on his shoulder instead. Tiny clouds of breath painted the scenery.
“Why, yes. I can’t decide what I love the most. Is it the faint scent of urine? Or is it the closeness to nature?” Shannon put his arm around Tomo’s waist, turning him so they were facing each other. Tim pointedly looked away.
“I’ll take secret option number three.” Tomo said trying, but not quite managing, to make his voice jokily.
“Meaning?” Shannon’s voice sounded dead serious, as he was inching his face closer towards Tomo’s.
“The view.” The Croatian’s voice came out flat. “And that sweet smell of barf.”
“You know what?” the drummer said, releasing Tomo’s eyes from his, looking out around him. “One day I’ll build you a house here.”
“Can we paint it yellow?” the other man said, his voice sounding as if all his wildest dreams were coming true.
“Of course, Tomo. Anything you want.”

“Can’t you get arrested for that?” the voice of Tom Delonge asked, making both Tomo and Shannon jump. “I mean, is Milicevic even legal?”

Shannon scowled and threw him a dirty look. “Fucker,” he whispered under his breath. Tomo laughed.

“Would you look at that, it’s the dickhead of the year!” Tim gave Tom a sarcastic smile.

“Now, now, Timothy. Behave.” Jared walked over to the bassist, facing Tom and looking rather…Upset. “You know Tom’s never won anything in his life.”

Tom gave a sarcastic laugh. “Ha-ha. Let’s not be this way, men. I’m sure we can all”, he looked over at Jared “behave ourselves.”
“Yes,” Atom Willard suddenly entered the scene, closely followed by David “let us all hug each other in the spirit of love.”

Timothy shrugged, then walked over to the drummer and hugged him.

“Tim” Tomo went trying, and failing, to not sound embarrassed “he didn’t mean that seriously.”
“I know.” Kelleher smiled, shrugging again. “But it did lighten the mood considerably.”

David waved shyly to Shannon. Tomo gave him a sour stare.

“Is it raining?” Tom asked, looking up at the sky.
“Yep.” Jared gave him a nod.
“Alright,” Tom seemed to take a breath. “If there isn’t something--“
“Where’s Mattastrophe?” Shannon cut him off, looking around to see if he was one of the dozen figures looming around the lot.

Immediately, the group felt Jared tense up.

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