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Dikter om sorg

You made me what I am today...

I'm here all alone,
With anger and pain inside,
Why didn't I succed with my suicide attempts?
I shouldn't trust in this world anymore,

I can't hold on,
This takes too much of my energy,
My best days are over...
I should've tried harder to kill myself...

They tell me, I'm worthless....
I've got nothing left, only hate,
What is there left to do in this world?
I'm starting to fade away...

While standing in the rain,
I feel the rain burn in my scars,
Mental pain, takes over my brain,
All you fuckers made me what I am today,

You fucking idiots, you all screwed up my life,
Broken down and a victim of all those words,

Living is hard, every other fucker looks at me,
And I can see in their eyes that they don't care,

I just look up in the sky and think,
"What have I done to deserve this?"
All alone, in the darkest corner of the world,
Left to die, all you fuckers made me what I am today!

Should I pray, or just stay?
Maybe it will all be better later,
Maybe God will hear my words...
But I doubt my life will be better,
If it would, then I wouldn't sit here in the darkest corner of the world,
There is no God, 'cause if there was one...
I would either be dead...
Or be somewhere else then in the darkest corner of the world...

All you fuckers made me what I am today...
And tomorrow, I'll be gone... 'Cause I've already started to fade away...
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Xero - 28 sep 08 - 01:35
Ah älskling? <3

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25 sep 08 - 19:34
(Har blivit läst 135 ggr.)
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