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Flickan från island. Del - 2

After watching a movie about submarines shes went to sleep because next day she where starting school and she couldn't prenounce a swedish word right.
She thought of her parents that abandoned her, sat her on a plane to Sweden with the fake facts that it would be the most beautiful country ever.
Althought, she felt unique since she's probably one of the few 16 year old girls that get to live all alone, but that's just what she said to hide the pain.
That night where horrible, she slept only a few hours and then it was time for the first day in highschool. When she arrived to the school she where really nervous.
She entered the big class room where everyone where gathered for the first day. She sat next to a boy, which name was Fredrik she realized from when he heard his name being appealed.
When she heard the name "Charlotte" she nervously raised her hand into the air.
The teacher's where ofcourse informed with the fact that she didnt know any swedish, so a teacher walked to her and said " Follow me, you are going this way"
On the way to the destinatinon she where told on english that she got into the class " EC1A ". People started gather up infront of the class room, thought now they where only about 20 out of like 100.
Inside the classroom they had scheduals, information about allergics and parental information.
The girl didn't get any friends that hurted her, what will now happen? will she be a outsideR? a lone wolf?
2 weeks later she didnt have one friend either, thought people seemed to have knowledge about that she's not swedish and she thought that people just might be shy.
Thought, the third week in school suddenly a boy says " Hello ", she greeted him with a "Hi" and a smile. They started to talk about school and they hang togheter on lessons and breaks.
At the end of the day she where so happy that she had finally got a friend thought what she didn't know is that the boy already started falling for her.
They gave eachother their msn's and by a strange coincidence they both played World of Warcraft. While the weeks ran past the boy falled in love with the girl, thought he didnt know how to act since he hadnt had a boy friend on ages.
Allthought the girl had laid eyes on another guy already and in secret they spoke with eachother, she where afraid of hurting the other poor boy that was inlove with her.
One day when they had a small break the boy cathed them talking and got heartbroken, he didnt know if something where going on between them but she gave that boy looks that he never retrived.
The shy boy didn't dare asking about it eye to eye, so he waited til later and said it on msn instead
Charlotte didnt want to hurt him so she said
- Ofcourse there is nothing going on, he just asked for a pen.
The boy didnt want to accuse the girl for anything but inside himself he knew she where lying.
And with theese thoughts he for the first time ever took up a razor and started to scratch himself.
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