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Dikter om sorg

You will fight alone to night

For so long I´ve tried to save you from the dark
For so long I´ve tried to help you up again

But, it´s too late to do it now
[You´re falling deeper and deeper]
In this endless pain

For so long I´ve always been here in your life
For so long I´ve tried to catch you when you fall

But, it´s too late to do it now
[You´re falling deeper and deeper]
In this endless pain

And, I can´t catch you enymore, no no
And, I can´t be in your life right now
I´m sorry, but this time, you must fix it alone

But, I can see; It´s too late to do it now
[You´re falling deeper and deeper]
In this endless pain

This is hurting me so fucking much
This is killing, both me and you
But, I´m sorry, I can´t fix it this time

You´re not afraid of dying
You´re not afraid of drowning
You´re stronger than ever
But, you´re still weaker than us

This is hurting me too, can´t you understand?
This is killing me slowly, "Welcome slowly death"
And you, will fight alone to night.
You must do it, I can´t be next to you.

But, I can see; It´s too late to do it now
[You´re falling deeper and deeper]
In this endless pain

Your scream is hurting me too
Your raining blood is killing me
Killing me slowly, just like you

But It´s too late to do it now
[You´re falling deeper and deeper]
In this endless pain

[And I know, you will loose to night
And I know, I can´t do a thing
This time you must do it alone
But, your tears of blood will rain to night]

Please, try to forget me
Try to forget all this years with me
Those memories can´t help you enymore
I´m sorry, darling.

Forgive me and goodbye

Rätta gärna alla stavfel och liknande i texten, är ni snälla :)
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Mandaan - 8 sep 08 - 20:34
verry najs, and im not that good at english, :P

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8 sep 08 - 19:55
(Har blivit läst 121 ggr.)
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