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the end .

Det här är en skoluppgift som egentligen är en fortsättning på en text vi läste. Vi skulle alltså skriva ett alternativt slut. Lite backgroundsfakta ;
Scobie är gift med Louise men har en relation med Helen bakom ryggen på Louise. Jag skrev om vad som skulle hända ifall Louise kom på honom and here it goes:
Texten vi läste heter "The heart of the matter " och är ett utdrag ur boken med samma namn, den är skriven av Graham Greene.
Säg gärna vad ni tyckte för som sagt, det är ett skolarbete och kritiska grejer är alltid bra då ;)

“I know what you have been up to.” Louise’s cold voice sounded poisoned with jealousy and anger that had been pushed away for way too long.
He had just get inside and his breath was still frozen after his walk from work.
Directly when he heard her voice he had known that he’s been exposed, but maybe he could save at least something by playing innocent just a little bit longer.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know damn well what I’m talking about.” Louise’s voice had gone up one octave now and he began to realize that maybe this was the end of it all. The end of their marriage and his relationship with Helen that actually had been going on for too long.
“She didn’t mean anything to me.”
“Oh, really? For how long have you been seeing her?”
At first, he wasn’t going to answer. It would only hurt her more if she knew how long they had been dating.
“A couple of months. Maybe six.” The answer has come out before he was planning to even change his mind. Her voice always had that impact on him.
“That’s enough. You know what? I’m out! I’m so tired of always being home all night wondering when, or even if you are coming home again. But you know what? Lately I’ve started to think about what you have been doing to me. And I decided to cause you just as much pain as I have been going through.”
With those words she took one step back and picked up a gun from her purse. Scobie didn’t have any time to think about what It meant before he the next second he lied down on the floor with a red hole in his chest. Louise throwed the gun at him and went to the door. With a last sight at her husband she get out and closed the door behind her.
“Bye Scobie. Say hi to Helen from me.”

snälla ? :)

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sockervaddsmoln - 23 sep 08 - 15:48
engelskan var riktigt bra, vad fick du på den? :D
Sakmojsen - 3 sep 08 - 17:39- Betyg:
Sjukt bra engelska, wow _:D
tjoh - 3 sep 08 - 17:32
det ska in imorrn hörni grabbar , lite action!? :D

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3 sep 08 - 17:12
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