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Bob's secret del 1

Bob Crudala have never been out of England.
But on his 18th birtday he walked into a travel agent's with
the money his Gran had given him as a present.

'One return ticket to Romania please.I'd like to leave as soon as possible.'

Gran an Grandad Crudala had come from Romania many years before.
Now Bob wanted to see their homeland.
He also loved history and Romania had so many old historical buildings.
When Bob told his Gran about the trip he thought that she would be surprised,
but she wasen't.
She looked as if she had expected it.

'Your Grandad and i left Romania many years ago.
It is a bad place for our family.'

'But i've paid for the ticket Gran.And i really want to travel.'

'You must do what you must do.But i beg you.don't go.She pleaded.

'It's ok Gran.I'll only be gone a week.It's something i really want to do.
Let me go Gran.I'm an adult now.I'll be back really soon.I promise.

His Gran Cried and gave him a big hug.

'I hope so Bob.I hope so.'

too be continued,,,
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