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Broken heart!!!

I cried so much when you left me,,
But when i looked outside the window..
I saw you with a girl..
Then i realized that you, had moved on.
You left me in your past,
Every day i see you smiling.
I wondering if someday i will smile again..
Will i find the thing you can LOVE,,
or will I continue living in the shadows.
If i stay alone, no one will hurt me..
But can i live happy alone..
Or should i forget my first love and move on!!
Then i realized.
That if i don't take the risk to get hurt.
i won't find any happines at all..
Cause if you stays in the shadows of your past..
You won't have a happy future..

If you someday get dumpt
You should find someone..
That will heal the pain in your broken heart..
Someone that's showing you way to happiness!!
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14 aug 08 - 21:42
(Har blivit läst 198 ggr.)
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